FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 166

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Oh boy, Artikul... you're so clever... proud to know you, I wrote the whole phrase down in my notebook, I'll shine with erudition ))))))))
Do you remember what affected the course in June 2010?
Yes, I was the one who bought euros on a half deposit at 1.1872...

These dudes didn't stock up at all so that they could count their losses later on:

and these dudes weren't persuaded to go down further to make money:



Of course, things are bad in the Eurozone... but good for macro indicators (because of the cheap euro), for example: Germany can calmly sell their Mercs and Japan is not a competitor to it now... As a result, at the end of the reporting period, the Eurozone macro indicators will move into the green zone, inflation has already fallen, so there is no point in lowering the rate, so there will be a reason to buy well...

By the way, read your reviews madam, thank you.

So what has been decided with the remarks made by these underdeveloped Ukrainians?

Yes, I was the one who bought the euro on half of the deposit with a pendulum at 1.1872...

Margaret, don't take away Mobilich's bread)))

By the way, I have read your reviews, madam, thank you.

So what's the deal with these underdeveloped people's remarks about Ukrainian women?

I honestly tell you, I don't care what they will decide, they don't want to look at us and don't have to (I'm not attracted to foreign men since childhood), they are afraid to look at us and it's good, it will be easier for me, they will molest us less... I have enough of my own...

Margaret, don't take bread away from Mobilich)))
That was in 2010... Back then they said to me: Where are you going? Are you crazy? and then they sat with their selves for a long time, staying up at night in castles shrouded...
Yes, I was the one who bought the euro on half of the depo with a pendulum at 1.1872...

Ah, so that's who changed the trend :) (1,187 what? ;) )

I remember there was no fundamental/economic reason for the reversal, the crowd was waiting for parity, and waiting for almost the fall...

It was 2010... I was told back then: Where are you going? Are you crazy? and then they sat with their selves for a long time, staying up late at night in locks shrouded...

I remember it well, it was the beginning of July, I also got into shopping around 1.20 and heard a lot of interesting things about myself on the forum)))


I remember it well, it was early July, I also got into shopping around 1.20 and heard a lot of interesting things about myself on the forum)))

Western forums are invented to answer questions. and the Russian-speaking to give out the slaps )))