FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 294

Tell you what! I was shown a dream meditation over the weekend! (in the afternoon) I'm now "Shining the Precious Mysteries of Laya Yoga - Vol. 1" lila yoga rereading it's mindful yoga. So in the dream - I split and became two (tantric) I transfer into one - here I am not present (just a feeling) and then I transfer (consciousness) into the other - yes it's me! And then the two phantoms unite AND!!! - such a sensation! I am and I am not !!! - at the same time. It's a great feeling (that's what they showed) if you achieve this in reality, you can travel during the day and in full consciousness.
What kind of flies do you eat? I wonder, my wife and eldest son are away for a week, so I'm thinking, beer is kind of annoying, maybe something else to try? About what they showed you - I think it's a divorce and NLP. In principle, the same state can be achieved in 1.5h~15 minutes before awakening, you have to set yourself to it before falling asleep. Training. It's fun to get out of yourself and meet your boss, your chief accountant, and then look at their faces the next day.
I'll tell you what! I had a sleep meditation demonstration over the weekend! (in the afternoon) I'm currently reading through "Shining the Precious Secrets of Laya Yoga - Vol. 1" lila yoga is mindful yoga. So in the dream - I split and became two (tantric) I transfer into one - here I am not present (just a feeling) and then I transfer (consciousness) into the other - yes it's me! And then the two phantoms unite AND!!! - such a sensation! I am and I am not !!! - at the same time. It's a great feeling (that's what they showed) if you achieve this in reality, you can travel during the day and in full consciousness.

don't fuck your brains out...

people do a lot of bullshit...not realizing that the energy expended needs to be restored...there is no such thing as out-of-body's mind games...

and who are the storytellers

people who are tromping...not travelling in their own sick imaginations)))
I'm just learning who censer means moose, this one's yours.
Igor, don't use your secret knowledge in vain, you'll run out of mana! Replace the censer with something else, like a cop's wand? Chopping censer.

There is also a remedy -Шалфей_предсказателей )))

Based on the mechanism of action, there are three groups of effects:

1. effects associated with increased sensitivity of kappa opioid receptors in the cerebral cortex.
Distortion of interpretation of known facts;
Possible exacerbation of latent psychiatric pathology.

2. effects associated with hypersensitivity of kappa opioid receptors in the limbic system.
Panic attacks;
Reduction in the intensity of emotions, up to their disappearance.

3. the effects associated with the formation of persistent foci of excitation in the cerebral cortex.
Formation of vivid hallucinations;
Formation of a distorted picture of the world on the basis of information received from the receptors, taken as the true one;
Total loss of adequacy and contact with reality, immersion into one's own experiences.

So this is what people on MT5 are taking)))

don't fuck your brains out...

people get high on the top and do crap...not realizing that the energy expended needs to be restored...there is no such thing as out-of-body's mind games...

nah, our life is a dream of the soul and the mind is a fool no matter how smart it is, Tantrik is right))))

I've got a 25300...just in case it slips through)))


Greece's new finance minister has asked to resign...


We should add that Prime Minister Samaras himself is also experiencing health problems. On 23 June he underwent an eye operation. It was reported earlier that Samaras plans to skip the EU summit in Brussels on June 28-29 2012 because of health problems.

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nah, our life is a dream of the soul and the mind is a fool no matter how smart it is, Tantrik is right))))

I've got 25300...just in case it slips through ))))

The main thing is not to forget that all meditation techniques should be aimed at something, i.e. be for the good of health... If there is outright nonsense... but there is... since people do not understand what they are doing and just want to be close to the knowledge....Mostly this knowledge is not knowledge....So if you have nothing better to do... just go out into nature and contemplate... outdoors... you can put fishing rods for fun)))... More good will come...


Always thought so! - Until a certain point. Then I took a different slogan: you don't believe, you don't know, you lose.

About these journeys, it's like back in the 30s psychics used to go into the astral next door to see a number and wake up to call it.

i don't need to argue about it, no one will believe me anyway))) but we know that the astral is more real than reality! ))))

Always thought so! - Until a certain point. Then I took a different slogan: you don't believe, you don't know, you lose.

About these journeys, it's like back in the 30s psychics used to go into the astral next door to see a number and wake up to call it.

Tantric walking - or rather to think of everything you can ... everything that is recorded in the brain (somewhere you once saw ... and in reality you may not remember it)... but this is not a journey ... this is nonsense ... brain memories ... the object that you have never seen you will not see ... but it is possible to connect to the information fields ... but this pilotage and have this very few people ...