FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 20


Why are you all rushing about like naked men on a f... purchase.

The bearish trend hasn't been cancelled yet.


Why are you all rushing about like naked men on a f... purchase.

The bearish trend hasn't been cancelled yet.

I don't really care where it goes as long as it's profitable))))
2012.06.04 09:36:11 '1133895': order was opened : #254739101 sell 0.05 EURUSD at 1.2408 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000
Will there be an explanation? What is this graph anyway?
it's not a chart... or rather a chart, but not on forex - but a situation where money dropped hundreds of times over a period of time... after which there were withdrawal problems on the site - as I understand it...
2012.06.04 09:39:02 MARKET TALK: EUR could fall unless ECB eases policy - Sumitomo Mitsui DJ FOREX
2012.06.04 09:36:11 '1133895': order was opened : #254739101 sell 0.05 EURUSD at 1.2408 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000

Congratulations. I especially like this one)))
2012.06.04 09:39:02 MARKET TALK: EUR may fall unless ECB eases policy - Sumitomo Mitsui DJ FOREX

who are they, these elusive insiders who are always talking? what are their names, what are the names of these unbiased heroes who tell us the truth all the time? how can we thank these good guys who always say something in the market? and many more questions ....

p.s. I also love - a phrase one trader said on condition of anonymity


who are they, these elusive insiders who are always talking about something? what are their names, what are the names of these unbiased heroes who tell us the truth all the time? how can we thank these good guys who always say something in the market? and so many more questions ....

p.s. i also like the phrase a trader said on condition of anonymity

but on these anonymous ... p.s. Another thing I like - the phrase one trader said under the condition of anonymity, but these anonymous traders who shout here spend money, and not small, because all these consultants have to maintain, pay for offices, to push this nonsense in the public. Hence the conclusion, it is profitable market makers, this information can be used, but you need to interpret intelligently, read between the lines, etc.

It smells like 100pp minimum

2012.06.04 10:23:06 '1143660': order was opened : #254742822 sell 1.00 EURUSD at 1.2411 sl: 0.0000 tp: 0.0000


Congratulations. I especially like this one)))

- I don't like Indians in these parts.

- Don't like it, don't eat it.