[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 66


Priv, the correct spelling is "salami!" Happy Victory to all! Happy Holidays!

Why are you buying?

Why are you buying?
3060 kickback, and you're not a "bender"?
3060 rollback, and you're not a "bender"?

If they push 2950 in the morning, you can wave goodbye to your buys.
3060 rollback, and you're not a "bender"?

No, son, no)))

Ni, son, Ni)))
Hello to all the Benderites! We're winning! (to the programmer that I paid in advance, hello too!)

If 2950 comes through in the morning, you can wave goodbye to your buys
Hello to all the Benderites! We're winning! (to the programmer I paid in advance, hello too!)

Happy Holidays to everyone.

What's the story with the programmer?


Also a happy holiday to all.

What's the story with the programmer?

The copier wasn't finished and disappeared (200 quid) from Sevastopol he.

the copier wasn't finished and disappeared (200 quid) from Sevastopol he

You, Tantrik, aren't young anymore..... Grandpa Karl Marx told you - goods-money-goods)))) And Ostap Ibrahimovich was told: money in the morning, chairs in the evening))))