[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 70


For the bears in EUR/JPY the situation is quite favourable: the single European currency is again suffering from a surge of pessimism amid political uncertainty and increased pressure on peripheral bonds, while the Japanese currency is benefiting from heightened concerns about the Asian region, the engine of the global economy. The pair failed yesterday on an attempt to return above Y104.50/60 and today has broken through to fresh lows, and the likelihood that it will do so again in the near term looks high. Commerzbank, in particular, holds such a view. Analysts of the bank warn that risks are displaced in favor of the further fall to Y102.54 and Y100 and recommend to sell pair on growth to Y104.60 and Y105 with a stop at Y106.35 and the purpose around Y100.25.

Market sentiment worsened after the French elections, which saw Socialist Hollande take over the reins of the Eurozone's second largest economy. Well, at least here the winner and the loser were determined. In Greece, on the contrary, the elections have generated only uncertainty that has cast a dark shadow over the future prospects of the country. Rumours have been circulating since Sunday that the country will leave the eurozone, which will serve as an automatic moratorium on sovereign bond payments.

Spain, which many analysts have called "too big to fail", looks set to ask for a bailout as bond yields have already surpassed 6% and CDS have hit multi-year highs.

The sell-off of risky assets started on Monday and now, on Wednesday, the pace of the sell-off continues to accelerate.
Well, they gave it 64, so? (That's bullshit, my brother Tantrik, aka Ishim)))

2930 bye...hopefully

What does that word mean?

What does that word mean?

like - bye ... I guess)))
Well, they gave it 64, so? (That's bullshit, my brother Tantrik, aka Ishim)))
Even better, they gave me 2,940.

like - bye ... I guess)))

If probably so why a bunch of bai on the screen?
even better gave 2940

Tunt rick, your ts would have been even better if you hadn't run ahead of the locomotive, but just dragged along behind it)))

tant rick, your ts would be even better if you didn't run ahead of the locomotive, but just drag behind it)))
you have to be one step ahead of the rest of us..... boo like some people.
you have to be one step ahead of the rest of us.... boo like some people.

I'll let you in on a terrible secret - I also have moose))))) But I don't.