[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 5


There could be a variant like this - at the moment there is strong resistance on the daily. In this case we are definitely going below 1.30 and forming a double bottom...

1.30200 is fine for me... or anything below 1.31128 I sold there last Monday ))))
But how the GBP strained. Chopped the stops. Whoever tells me where we're going, I'll respect that...
But how the GBP has strained. Chopped the stops. Who'll tell me where we're going, I'll respect that...

We're going to go down, apparently:


we're going to fall, apparently:

I've got an owl in the selves... And about drinking - only consumed beer today

we're going to fall, apparently:

There's an option to 6130 and a new channel to the north.We'll see.
But how the GBP strained. Chopped the stops. Whoever tells me where we're going, I'll respect that...
I'm sticking with the selling, even if the Olympics goes up, it will come back as it is overbought, so some sort of a 100 pips grid may well be done
There is an option to 6130 and a new channel to the north.Let's see.

Falling along the red line, i.e., gradual:


Falling along the red line, i.e., gradual:

as if not on top of the red line. But that's just the way it is, without the maths.
as if not on top of the red line. But that's no maths.

Either I'm color blind or... There's no way I can see the RED line...

But how the GBP strained. Chopped the stops. Who's to say where we stand, I'll respect that...

I dare to suggest that before the Olympics the pound will go up. (as already said more than once), but at the end it will go down with great force. i expect a minimum of 1.60