[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 236


This is the monthly candlestick of the dollar index:

After a quarterly flat with no shadow up through the Bollinger line... Suggests that the next candle will be the second part of the pincer.


Yes, "War and Peace")))

Why chew, there is a downward trend, so enter on the pullbacks on the signals of your systems, until at least the diary says "ahtung", and then - where, to where....

but this is not the minimum below
Much lower!
Much lower!
in your opinion, roughly where is it ?

Yes, "War and Peace")))

Why chew, there is a downward trend, so climb on the pullbacks on the signals of your systems, until at least the daytime chart says "ahtung", and then - where, to where....

Here is a reasonable voice! I've been messing around on one forum and there guys have been looking for bottoms all over.... to pee their pants! And then one finally had an epiphany and said to them - "rather than looking for a bottom, wouldn't it be better to capitalise on the current trend?"
in your opinion, roughly where is it ?

No one can tell you that for sure now..... Not Mario Draghi, not me... There are so many factors piling up. It is impossible to describe all of them here .... You should watch TV with the channels I mentioned. In a month or so you'll get the hang of it...

But so far my target is 1.21400 T/P is 161 pips higher...

Where do you think he is, roughly?

How are you doing? Those who know you are very worried if you are doing well.

No selling or buying at the lavas - that's the rule. Smoke and only smoke.

Here's a reasonable voice! I was on one forum and there the guys were looking for the bottom.... I'm going to pee! And then one finally had an epiphany and said to them - "rather than look for a bottom, wouldn't it be better to make money on the current trend?

Why, you can catch bounces with short stops during the day, and you can catch bigger fish downwards. By the way, on the Dollar index, on D the volumes have already started to fall, but the sales are not supported at all yet:

So far in the weeks so good, I expect a rise to at least 84.70 and then we will see, a correction is possible:


How are you doing? Those who know you are very worried if you are doing well.

No selling or buying at the lavas - that's the rule. Smoke and only smoke.

Thank you, I'm in a bad way. I'll tell the knowledgeable later.
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