[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 169

Mobilich well done he predicted the fall... Too bad he doesn't write much... he's probably ashamed of the pamphlet he leaked... (what's there to be embarrassed about? I've got 8 of them in my archive)

Then what's the point of wasting time and nerves if it's not dripping... there's a lot of interesting things in life...


then what's the point of wasting time and nerves if it doesn't drip...there's a lot of interesting things in life...

Drops dripping (learned already) on the mini-May 16 I put 500 now 670 - well a week? (the solid part from silver is like a minus - it's shaky)
bought to 1.262
Just a second, take your time, it's the market... it's not going that far (compared to previous years)... At any moment, for example, the Greece issue will be resolved and it will go up .... the only question is from what level... and May has always been bearish, nothing surprising happened...

No I don't mean the collapse of the Euro, whether it rises or falls, the EU is doomed to collapse, it's only a matter of time.

No, I don't mean the euro falling, regardless of whether it rises or falls, the EU is doomed to collapse, it's only a matter of time.
And America's bankruptcy is purely a theory for an indefinite future.

No, I am not talking about the fall of the euro, regardless of whether it rises or falls, the EU is doomed to collapse, it's only a matter of time.

So I was also talking about collapse and proving that no currency union lasted long (not even the USSR)... By the way, Pipwick miscalculated too... said we were going to 1.19
Drip drips (learned to do so already) on the mini since May 16, threw 500 now 670 - good in a week? (a solid portion from silver is like a minus - shady it is)


in % terms, a great result...with stability ( a couple or three years)...

it's a pity it's only a passing success... although I still have hope for a sky-high equi on pam ( flat... no deep drawdowns)... we'll see... hope for the best...



in % terms, a great result...with stability ( a couple or three years)...

it's a pity it's only a passing success... although there is still hope for equi flying skyward on pam ( flat... no deep drawdowns)... let's see... hope for the best...

I have already planned everything - I will leave 4-5 non-public pammers and I will mainly go to the stock exchange to trade indices and shares.
And America's bankruptcy is purely a theory for an indefinite future...

sooner or later the freebies will end there too... The main thing is for russia to get the dough out of the dollar... I do not care about the rest...

For the same reason ( not only Russia of course) the euro is deep until it drops ... country's foreign exchange reserves are large... let's see...


so I was also talking about disintegration and proving that no currency union lasted long (not even the USSR)... By the way, Pipwick miscalculated too... said we were going to 1.19
Do you think 1.19 is not realistic?