Humour - page 4


It's been a while since we've had a price-tagger...


If it's for me, I'll explain: the coder is dumbly coding a dumb ToR for 20 kroner.
What's not to understand, and a programmer does the same thing, but only diligently :)

Well, there's even such a thing as a code monkey.

In fact... you can program anything in such a way
it's cheaper to just rewrite.

It's the style that counts.
If the style is bad, you can't be sure that everything will be OK.
For instance, C++.
If std::vector::at() is used,
I prefer code with such calls in advance
than direct rummaging in memory.
And it doesn't matter how diligently the programmer
prescribes openfile() / closefile() if the programmer
must be a wrapper.

At a rowing competition, an American rower, thanks to a Russian, is paddled before the race even begins.
In a mountain village a boy approaches an old man and asks:
- Grandfather, how old are you?
- A hundred and fifty-two.
- Do you drink and smoke?
- Of course, or I'll never die!
- Well, honey, now that we're married, can you tell me how many men you've been with?
- And you won't reproach me later?
- No, I won't.
- All right, seven.
- What do you mean, I'm the seventh?
- No, you're not. You're fourth...
- Well, honey, now that we're married, can you tell me how many men you've been with?
- And you won't blame me later?
- No, I won't.
- All right, seven.
- What do you mean, I'm the seventh?
- No, you're not. You're fourth...

- You guys want me to be third?
- You're fifth.
- What the hell? There's two of you?
- We already sent four.


The dreaded disease:-wanting to eat).


And I'm on the left, lambchop....

don't drink from the puddle........... you'll turn into a goat.........