Humour - page 215


This video is more suited to an appeal to Limonov. He is the one with the aim of protesting.

PS. And it is not clear what the posted clip has to do with humour.


What a pity © Zadornoff


Нужен инвестор для завершения работ по созданию торгового робота на бирже ММВБ. Основные затраты - покупка трех мощных компьютеров, деньги за работу програмистов и ежемесячное обслуживание ресурса и реальное тестирование. Объем инвестиций - 1,5 - 2 млн. рублей. Доход уже на этапе тестирования. 100% окупаемость проекта - 1 год, далее - готовы делить прибыль пополам.
Программа протестирована на протяжение 6 мес. Лукер, обеспечивающий сохранность счета написан.
Возможен как инвестиционный договор, так и договор займа.

Why go to all that trouble? You should have written: "Looking for suckers"...

Found ithere.


Why go to all that trouble? You should have written: "Looking for suckers"...

Found ithere.

Now that's the spirit!
The hooker that secures the account is written.

Yeah, well, the bowker's the main thing! What's without the bowker, the big jerk with the toothpick on his lip, Vasya's tattoo and the truncheon?

With it, the trader won't lose. The account will be safe.


Read the inscription on the bottom of the TU-160 and rjooom.


... IMHO, what's missing is a soft toy "Shankr" ...

Out on the balcony early in the morning for a smoke... Fog...
So I shouted (no one can see me): "LOSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!"....
I hear (in reply): - "YOGIYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYK!!!!!!!!! Mood for the day!)))