Humour - page 195


Search Engine Dialogue...


Skype chat, the man on the other side has a translator

[20:43:26] Клёнов Алексей: есть такая поговорка - знал бы прикуп - жил бы в сочи
[20:43:29] Raj: [Клёнов Алексей] there is a saying - talon would know - I would live in miami


Somebody named H. Tukai - killed.

And Popeye's is a razzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. :-)



Wife: - Darling, why don't we role-play?
Husband: - Let's.
Wife: - You're the taxi driver, and I'm the young, pretty girl who drove here, but she doesn't have the money to pay the fare.
Husband: - Come on.
Wife: - "Uncle taxi driver, I do not have money to pay for the fare, please let me go? "
Husband: - Go ahead...



17. The most mystical problems, widely hyped and flaunted, end up being your stupidest mistakes.

18. Consequence - ! if your program does mystical things, then you've done something incredibly stupid.

19. The worst feeling for a programmer is when you have ten people standing around you, all trying to find the cause of a problem in your program, and you have already figured out what the problem is, but you are afraid to tell because it is something blatantly stupid...


21. A conflict of logical directions in life causes a fatal error in the programmer's brain - fever and severe dizziness up to and including vomiting or loss of consciousness are possible.

22. Those who despise programmers are more despised by programmers than those who despise programmers are despised by programmers who despise those who despise them.

п. 22 super.
п. 22 is super.

Nah, it's not up to infinite recursion:)