Humour - page 149


It's always been a shock, you could die from such a blow...

matura: running speed - up to 10m/sec.... which is achieved when falling from 10 metres

i.e. her hitting the pole is the same as jumping headfirst off a 4th floor balcony face first into the asphalt)) what are the chances of surviving?)

I don't think this poor guy's prospects were good anyway...

s = g t2 / 2 = 10 m
10 t2 = 20
t2 = 2
t = sqtr(2) = 1.4 seconds
v = 1.4 * g = 14 m/s

C 10 m is a different speed.

I'd give it at least a C. There's a logic to it anyway, although it's not mathematical).
I'd give her at least a C. There's a logic to it anyway, although it's not mathematical).

I also thought you could give her a 3 with a huge minus :)

Observant though ))

What he explained is what he got.
And the girl could be a straight-A student or a pussy.
Decided in her own mind, like, she's a dumbass...
so she gave him what he wanted.
[From the internet].

One day we went to the cinema to see the movie Soldiers of Failure, a comedy starring Ben Stiller.
We took our seats in the cinema and watched. It's the usual - the commercials end, the film starts.
The movie goes on, we're watching and we realise there's something wrong - some dudes on screen robbing a bank,
killing people - it's not funny at all, and we're in the mood for a comedy.
At minute 15 of the film, we realise that it's Batman coming!

Checking the tickets, maybe we got the wrong room. No, that's right.
All around us, people start doing the same thing and slowly the whole auditorium gets to grips with the situation:
"They got the wrong movie!!!"

Everyone starts whistling and stomping their feet like in the good old days:
"Turn that thing off!"
"Hey, boss!"
"Give me my money back!"
- People missed the open expression and were having a blast... and "Batman" goes on.

The mess was interrupted by the guy sitting behind us, who was the first one to go and tell the staff
that it wasn't the right movie. The screen went out - apparently it needs time to replace the film.

At that moment, a couple walks in slowly from the side of the screen with popcorn and beer,
because they're 20 minutes late and there's no hurry.
They see the screen is blank and stop in front of it in bewilderment.

And then a man screams out across the hall:
And then the film starts, to the deafening laughter of a hundred people.

A mystery anecdote:

At the butcher's shop, the boy asks his dad:
- Daddy, how do you make sausage?
- Well, you see, Vova, there's a machine... They put a sheep in it, and a stick of sausage comes out.

Vovokchka: "Dad, I feel sorry for the ram, but is there such a machine to do the opposite?"
- Yes, Vovochka, that's...

The answer is two words. Finish the joke.

moskitman, you can't swear here.
Everyone understands it to the extent of their depravity. The answer may be your mother.