Humour - page 122



moskitman: Everything.

And if you are looking for a solution, there is no clear statement of the problem: during which week - the calendar 7 days or working 5 days? and if not, then why did they suddenly start biting themselves and others? and finally, i am afraid to imagine a doctor in charge who has 100 bites, but he has no skin on him! )))))))))))))


And if you are looking for a solution, there is no clear statement of the problem: during which week - the calendar 7 days or working 5 days? And if there were bites among patients before, then why suddenly they started biting themselves and others? And finally, I am afraid to imagine a doctor in charge with 100 bites, he has no skin on his body! )))))))))))))

That's not why I said "everyone." A bitten head doctor can hardly be considered normal either. :)
Let the hospital have N patients
there are 7 days in a week.

Each sick person has two bites.
This means that it can be assumed that for two days each sick person bit himself or the sick people bit each other. But no one sick person got more bites than the other sick persons.
Therefore in the remaining 5 days all the patients bite the chief physician.
Then 100/5 = 20 bites per day.

That is 20 patients.