Humour - page 112

I used to like to make soda with a spray can, the ones you put in a siphon, but now they put them in pistols in pneumatics. I was just wondering if these stoppers are good for soda pop now, are they used at all or is there a guide? They used to sell them in packs.
There you go, I thought.
I'm telling you, you're a long way from space.
There won't be much reactivity, I guess.
There should be good acceleration, if only to put a cork in and wait for the cork to blow out.
I used to like to make soda with a spray can, the ones I put in siphons, but now they put them in pistols in pneumatics. I wonder if these cans are good for soda pop now, are they used at all and are they available anywhere? They used to sell them in packs.

It's a rarity. You might have 'em, I don't, but they sell 'em at the gun shop, but they're probably not 'food grade'. I don't know what the hell they put in there.

These cans can fly on their own. You stick them on a nail and let them go.
These cans can fly on their own. You stick them on a nail and let them go.
Yep! Into a pipe. Use it as a grenade launcher.

Listen, Andrei, why don't we set up a company to make clothes for schoolchildren? We buy automatic sewing machines, hire Uzbeks, rent a cheaper basement, register an LLC with a registered capital of 10 rubles in the offshore.

The main thing is what? To get into Putin's stream. You smell money? We can't leave it to the governors. And then, you'll see, pioneer ties will be in demand.

This isn't Marvodi and his Moors, this is the Core, it's more serious. Huh? Make up your mind.

I'm in! Sign me up!

But let's do it the grown-up way, shall we? It's not decent for a pro-Putin jet to be fiddling with his clothes. We should suggest that he resolve the issue of the Kurils once and for all in the following way. Offer Japan to join Russia as an autonomous entity. And, of course, give them the islands for that.

Then we divide our new Far Eastern subject of Russia in half. Putin half and you and me half. We pump the resources out of it and dump it in Europe or on some islands that are not yet in Russia.


I'm in! Sign me up!

But let's do it the grown-up way, shall we? It's not a good idea for a pro-Putin jet to mess around with his clothes. We should suggest that he resolve the issue of the Kurils once and for all in the following way. Offer Japan to join Russia as an autonomous entity. And, of course, give them the islands for that.

Then we divide our new Far Eastern subject of Russia in half. Putin half and you and me half. We siphon resources out of it and dump it in Europe or on some islands that aren't yet in Russia.

Preferably in Argentina. The islands are practically all ours already.
water in a can and a half (not a full can and a half), in the tube pipette from the camera, pump until it comes off (you can more if you tighten the hose with a wire like a clamp) hose, 3-2-1 "Go!!!"

In my Soviet childhood, you could buy such a thing in a school supply shop, but with the help of favours (thanks to my aunt who worked there).

Model of the first Soviet rocket P1 (that's FAU2) made of shockproof plastic , launching table, nipple in it, holder with remote opening (by rope).

Poured half a litre of water, started a bicycle pump, and pull :). However, the cost was 15 rubles, I think. which for a simple Soviet kid - a lot of money, so I saved up for her two quarters.

A similar model, but larger and with a table :)

Do you even know who gets more A's? Don't you know that corruption has rotten all education? All schools are already paid for. There is not a single pupil in Russia today whose parents (or non-parents) do not pay a bribe.
Do you know this or not? What planet are you on? // objectively looking at Houston's radar

Elected a moron president on your head. Only a moron would fly with geese in a hang glider escorted by fighter jets. How could piss like that ever hit the brain?

Don't mix it all up, please. The fact that our President is an idiot and escorts geese to the south does not prevent him from occasionally making successful copypastes and voicing ideas that have been maturing in our society for a long time. The introduction of uniforms in schools is one sensible idea, in the wake of the general moronic law-making of recent times. The idea came from outside the "majority power" and has been around for a long time, long before his inauguration.

I remember when I was still at school, in the late 1990s, our school introduced uniforms for the lower grades on its own initiative. I was not affected by this innovation, as we were already seniors at the time, but I remember a bad story about this problem. There was a girl in our class whose parents were alcoholics. Naturally, she dressed the worst, her mother didn't take care of her, and she often came to school disheveled. Once she came to school with torn pantyhose. Since then her systematic bullying started. Often she was taken to the toilet and dragged by the hair and beaten. At the same time she was not allowed to touch her or her things directly. Beating her and pulling her by the hair was fine. After each such beating she cried, but did not complain to anybody, endured it, - evidently she got used to such a world, even at home it was not better. I never took part in all this abomination, but I am still ashamed for my classmates, ashamed for my non-interference and I still want to ask her forgiveness for all that she had to endure from our class. Had we all been in uniform then, this shameful incident would have been avoided. In uniform, everyone has the same social status, there is no feeling of lack of money and poverty. The uniform prohibits dividing people into castes, labelling them as "untouchables. Finally, thanks to the uniform you can just be a schoolboy and not a "child of an alcoholic" or a "child from a poor family".

If you think it's a bad thing, it's probably because many life situations have bypassed you. But everyone's life is different - some people have a full and happy life and others have rampant poverty, lack of education and poor health.

But everyone should have an opportunity to be human.