Humour - page 108

Poor Dima, we are losing the guy. While at that fine age like his bridesmaids - pulling girls' tits, no, the poor guy is all about Russia.

There are people who live.

But I can disappoint you, I am sitting at my desk right now. There is an energy audit programme planned for our country. In accordance with it, it is planned to reduce energy costs, including educational institutions by 15% over five years.
Guess how it will be done.
Don't believe me? Read Federal Law 261. Who signed it? Lawyer Medvedev (Aython Badminton Skolkovsky). Lawyers are evil.

I have a HCC who have already solved this problem.

1. All windows in stairwells and lift platforms have been replaced with plastic. Accordingly, the heat exchange of batteries is restricted - screens have been put (just pieces of iron neatly covered the batteries on the stairs).

2. All lights have been replaced by LEDs, most of them are equipped with light sensors, a little less - with microphones.

That's right: a brilliant 12-year-old child is an adult.
Alas. Have you calculated the payback period of plastic windows? Look at the 20th table on the energy audit passport. It usually exceeds 20 years. That doesn't take depreciation into account at all. In short, they won't pay for themselves. The screens aren't going to save you much either. LED lighting fixtures are very expensive and it is not certain that they will last long; our domestic manufacturers made LEDs. Are there sensors with relays? They will break for sure.

Also, note that your audit costs are not included in the calculation of the payback period. A paradox? It is.

Dima, in my ordinary house on the outskirts of Moscow, all this has already been done. Last autumn I took some dismantled wooden windows to my daughter's dacha :)

Screens give efficiency, because all flats and entrances and exits of the house have long had meters installed, and at a minimal cost.

Light fittings are failing. They are replaced immediately, they don't break anymore. There is just a big percentage of defects, but the longevity of normal ones is high.

Ruin is in the head :)
Man, I was jet-powered when I was 12 years old.)
Man, I was jet-powered when I was 12 years old.)


Yeah, what about you? )

ZS: I'm serious, I've had a few launches before I got bored.

Judging by your avaiva, not much has changed, except that the rockets from my childhood are no longer plastic, but glass and with a handle).
Saltpetre-fuel for young astronauts))))))) Yes and carbide was fun too.