Negro! - page 8

or maybe a transaction history straight to the studio?

If someone is going to piss I won't go anywhere at all ;)

I'll shut up.
No, I don't need your keys ..... I just need a safe...I'll do the rest)))
So the system is made up of two ? I understand correctly and each one is on its own .... one takes and the other gives

it's not even a system. it's the result of the system (the view in the mirror)
Get comfortable in your chairs and get ready for the masterclass demonstration.
I suspect these are the most natural of minutes.
sanyooooook: it's not even a system. it's the result of a system (view in the mirror), with a time distortion of 1-1.5 minutes

Apparently, the recent search has something to do with the discovery of the grail ))))

Yes, yes, I was so enthusiastic that I built the copier overnight.

Or rather it was, I just assembled it from different parts. )

So, how's it look, graalisto? ))))
I see Highst and Lowest watching

You'll see.

let's watch, give me the server