Negro! - page 104

There are different types of PAMMs. There are private ones with limited free float. That is, they are so huge that, apart from the invitees, no one knows about the float.

For those who don't get it, Martin is not the only slivanter,

I only looked at him because I could tell that he was very likely to lose 100 c.u. in the depo.

The math confirmed it.

ZS: one question, is it easy to drain a hundred in less than 10 poses?


In second place we can confidently put the perceptrons of Reshetov ;)

You do the fitting, you put it on the demo and you're steadily leaking!


In second place we can confidently put the perceptrons of Reshetov ;)

You do the fitting, put it on the demo and steadily lose!

The main thing is that it should not be on the spread )

Uncle Misha will get mad)

It is already possible to draw some conclusions. So, what are the intermediate (or final) results? And what conclusions can be drawn from it?

The main conclusion is: the Law of Karma is perfect!

Let me explain.

First, an introduction. Here are two quotes.

Обычно под словом “карма” понимают недобродетельные дела и негативные последствия. Но на самом деле это не так. Сама по себе карма не является ни плохой, ни хорошей. Ее смысл в том, что при выполнении всех условий причина приводит к результату. Другими словами, позитивная причина приносит, как воздаяние, радость, а негативная причина приносит, как возмездие, страдание. Причина, которая не является ни позитивной, ни негативной, приносит результат, который не является ни плохим, ни хорошим. Это карма, или закон кармы.

THE LAW OF KARMA: If you accumulate merit, if you accumulate bad karma

Everything we think about, everything we imagine, everything we do - every bit of information is stored in a data bank, located in the Kausal World (the World without Forms). The order of information is as follows: first the World of Phenomena, then the Astral World (World of Forms) and finally the Causal World.

Imagine three crystal clear surfaces of water. Actions, actions are waves. Is that clear? Suppose you have killed a creature or made a donation. Then a wave appears on the surface of the water. When waves appear on the surface of the water, they necessarily have high and low levels. Your action is the upper part of the wave and its result is the lower part, which is a reflection of the upper part and manifests in this World of Passion, or in the Astral World, or in the Kausal World...

Accumulation of merit increases the size of the upper part of the waves. Accumulation of bad karma has the opposite result. If we assume that joy is the upper part of the wave, the lower part will surely increase as a reaction to it. In other words, it means that the state of non-action, when we do no action, is a flat surface.

This is what the quote means here: "...Accumulation of merit increases the size of the upper part of the waves. Accumulation of bad karma has the opposite result. ..."

Further, what we have at the moment:

What was required to prove.

I think... think... (to add or not to add)... All right, I'm sending it in. After all, it's not a flood. Somehow, it's an explanation of the result.

PS: "Do not cast your beads before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces" (c) Jesus


What's happening on day two?

On the fifth, everything's fine.

There's a full moon.

Micha, are you going to share the anti-martin or not?

What's happening on day two?

On the fifth, everything's fine.

There's a full moon.

If you don't understand anything in the schematics, ask questions. I'll try to answer them (not to offend anyone).
Micha, are you going to share the anti-martin or not?

What antimartin? I'm sick. I've got honey and raspberries, but I don't have any of that shit.

Why on earth would you want to do that?


If you don't understand the schematics, please ask questions. I'll try to answer (not to offend anyone.)

No, no questions. No questions at all. Everything is clear.