Negro! - page 15


The main thing is not to restart the system immediately after you lose a deposit, at least make a random slowdown in depositing )

What difference does it make?

My atomic units are trades, not time.

The main thing is not to restart the system immediately after losing a deposit, at least make a random slowdown in depositing )
What is the mathematical meaning of such a delay?

If you don't mind, can you calculate the probability of loss?

According to my calculations it's about 100% )

For a classic martin with a lot increase of 2x.

If the deposit is 100 quid, lot 0.1, and take=10 pips (old), then more than 3 and less than 4 steps: -10USD -20USD -40USD (already minus 70USD) -80 would be the next stop, but will not reach it. 3 steps and 4 pips.

This is when the price moves in one direction. And the probability of a loss for an infinite number of trials is more difficult to calculate, I agree with Alexey. I will sit and think about it for a while.

sanyooooook: I don't know what the difference is, but according to the engineers' exact calculations, the Titanic was unsinkable )
There was a black swan - an event whose probability they could not account for.
sanyooooook: black swan - let me see what it is
Look straight to Taleb.
Here's the thing. On a random walk, as I have realised after a number of experiments, any system without the spread gives zero in the limit. With the spread, it's a drain in the limit. This is my assumption so far, because I cannot check all systems neither physically nor intellectually. But to find differences between forex and random wandering and to build a profit-generating pattern on it is a tricky matter.
7Konstantin7: the human factor is a sure plum)
It doesn't affect anything. Except for slowing down the lot size after losing half of it. But it's not critical here, as I understand it.

so trajdun: ala loser
Anyway, like I said, the main thing is hope. It will come out of any situation.

hehehe: it occurred to me: how many times have you lost a depot?
I did... why?

What was the money for the second and subsequent times?
I don't know if it was faith or if I just wanted some adrenaline.