[ARCHIVE] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 14: April 2012) - page 68

and i bought USDCAD at 0.9966
I missed the boo by 10pts. yesterday by 1.5pts. so I am still buying. canada yen - sold

Evgeny Romanov writes:

13 April 2012. 8:48:00 GMT

If you haven't seen grief, love me.

There is no longer the former certainty that there will be movement in the spring. It used to be. And now what, there was nothing intelligible in the autumn, then why count on the spring. In the autumn there were periods when everything was so cloudy that neither buy nor sell, without positions for a long time. Here, for example, on the third day the Barclays guys were expressing confidence in a fall in the pound, and they were standing in shorts. That was at 1.58. I'm not sure they are still in shorts though, they can afford stops above 1.61. Onthe other hand, saw a headline that the clearing guysat Lloyds on the other hand were expecting sterling to go up, like you and me. If the two UK market makers are unable to sort out their own currency, then what do you want from me? I understand Barclay Capital's position - on the daley head. I understand Lloyds position - the pound won't be a pound if it doesn't break that head up and breach 1.61. But I wash my hands of it. I washed them the third day. Maybe for nothing, but I went under 1.59. I'm sick of this market. I'm not used to going all Lazarus. But Morgans Stanley, those are showing enviable persistence, yen down, eur down, though there was a comment during the night that they went short aud-jpy. All in all, it's not the market, it's I don't know what. I don't know where they are taking the eu and the pound as well as the yen and the franc. I don't even want to talk about the commodities. Stephen Cox suggested today that we love Ozzie, but with the caveat of love it or leave it. My fear is that Ozzy won't love me, and I'm too old for unrequited love, probably have to be in such amours for sure. Good Friday is today, the 13th. Don't be tempted. Heh.


So, who has what are the targets for the eu below for TODAY, care to share?
So who has a target for the eu at the bottom for TODAY, can you share?
I don't have any yet....

Evgeny Romanov writes:

13 April 2012. 8:48:00 GMT

"And the curtain rises," ... the children became puppet actors in an improvised puppet theatre, acting out a forex fairy tale... Did the audience like it?! Bravo!!! Loud applause!!!


I love these gurus of the analysis )) such pictures
So who has a target for the eu at the bottom for TODAY, can you share?
I got 3092.
I have 3092
I'm looking forward to it)))

The channel is drawn, but everything else is unclear.