[ARCHIVE] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 14: April 2012) - page 25


The euro is not dancing because
it needs a little cheering up.
all day long.
I've been having fun all day.
p.14, I'm in sales.
p.14, I'm in sales.
for nothing, started the hike at 1.33
for nothing, started the hike at 1.33
was a hike for stops.
and who put the stops there? )
and who put the stops there? )
The mt5 forums say the stops went out and whoever put them there went out.

Has anyone here heard anything about the daily pivot? It's also an interesting phoebe and pitching.

thanks to stranger.... his school....... and someone else argued with him about this topic..... I don't remember... )))

The stop has gone down, even if you follow the recommendations of beginner traders, you have to put the previous maximum. Although, yes, it all depends on what you take as the previous maximum. read the mt5 forums and you'll get a good overview.

I've checked, but it's not on the fence, I've checked.

If you follow the recommendations of beginners, the stop on the downwards trend is put behind the previous maximum.

Although yes, it all depends on what is considered the previous maximum.


05.04.12. In the world of holidays - in the markets a guessing game. Trading Friday in forex for the euro.
05.04.2012 18:34 | author: consortium | |
Tomorrow is a weekend in most stock markets, so banks and all sorts of hedge funds will not work in the countries celebrating Good Friday either. We are going to be in a thin market, which is worse than any weekend in my opinion, some brave Asians from nearby Japan may move currencies with their petrodollars for no apparent reason. And there is no telling which way they will go. In the evening, the states will want to play Russian roulette all by themselves.

Nothing new on the news. Almost nothing. To start with, Moody's has issued a verdict: the risks to the US economy remain. It's just for the assurance of the FOMC that there will be no QE as long as there is positive momentum in the economy. Also Moody's has told speculators that the housing market is at the bottom and they are waiting for a recovery. In short, invest in mortgage-backed securities and buy state real estate, if anything goes wrong, bring it to the Moody's.

Also speaking was Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish Prime Minister. "Spain is facing an extremely difficult economic situation, I repeat, extremely difficult, and those who don't understand that are just kidding themselves." He is right. And he understands that the country could become a second Greece.

My purely theoretical, philistine interest is how the markets will react to tomorrow's US unemployment report. Assuming the data comes out bad, as I assume (although today's jobless claims figures suggest otherwise), then, in theory, dollar down - euro up. One option if markets tie up a logical chain: bad unemployment - worsening economic situation - increased likelihood of QE launch - funds rising, followed by the euro. The second option is if speculators link a fall in the labour market to a worsening macroeconomic situation in general, then the fund goes down and the euro goes there too. At such moments, the markets start to wobble with inconsistency, a surge up, then a fall down, then nothing at all.

Beautiful, isn't it? The analytics with the approach to the specific question of the market behavior in the critical situation is no good at all. Part of the traders' people in such cases informs the people around them of the generally accepted and obvious truth: it is a scam again. No cheating, gentlemen, from this you must simply learn another truth: you should not trade on events, it is easier to stand aside, watch the fight for opinions and then seize the flag and go with the winners.

It turns out that it is better not to trade intraday tomorrow, because it is a real guessing game. Today there was an addition to the euro sales at 1.3138. I closed my deals at 1.3045, which is a bar and I left 20% of the standard volume. The reason for the closing was the proximity of 1.3, which is a psychological level, an option level and even a beauty. Now I'm sitting here scratching my head. I may decide "where the selling ends, the buying begins", but something prevents me from doing it. Most likely, I will buy when the price rises above 1.3075 and close all the sales there. As I wrote the other day, I do not have medium-term preferences either. Again, position trading, which I do not like, comes out again. Taken from the market not bad, on the last fall I got 10%D out of 250 pips.

http://mafn.ru/analitic/2012/2012-april/454-050412.html analytical website of a trading trader. (same lines, whatever he sees there)