[ARCHIVE] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 14: April 2012) - page 22


Events today:


*08.01 Moscow time zone. - US: February, Monster Employment Index (prior period: 143)
*09.00 MSK - Japan: February, Preliminary Coincident/Coincident Index (Forecast: 93.6/95.8; Preliminary: 92.7/94.4)
10.45 MSK - France: February, foreign trade (prior period: -5.3bn EUR)
16.30 Moscow time. - US: March payroll employment excluding agriculture (forecast: +205K; prior period: +227K)
16.30 MSK - US: March private sector employment (Forecast: +221K; Previous Period: +233K)
16.30 MSc - USA: March, Manufacturing Employment (Forecast: +21K; Previous Period: +31K)
16.30 Moscow time - USA: March, B/P rate (Forecast: 8.3%; Previous Period: 8.3%)
16.30 Moscow time - US: March, Average Workweek (Forecast: 34.5; Previous Period: 34.5)
16.30 MSc - US: March, average hourly earnings (forecast: +0.2% m/m, +1.9% y/y; prior period: +0.1% m/m, +1.9% y/y)

Keyword: ECONOMY
05 Apr-2012 22:00:31 (UTC+2)

I have a question: who worked with ClasterDelta? Are the quotes really with a minimum delay? And where did Tantrika go?
I do, I look at volumes on eurobuck futures, but rather just for information.
I have a question: who worked with ClasterDelta? Are the quotes really with a minimum delay? And where did Tantrika go?

Tantrik< >Ishim

Tantrik< >Ishim

Tantrik = > Ishim


Tantrik = > Ishim

Did he transform? ))))

Is he, like, transformed? ))))
Yes, and he denies it himself.
so, gentlemen speculators, what are your plans for today? ))))
Sell after the end of the correction...
Sell after the end of the correction...
aha .... smoke bamboo .... it's the weekend everywhere .... so .... wet the meat and get outdoors (who has warm weather) ....
The holidays do not preclude movement. Although very little is going on...