[ARCHIVE!] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Can't go anywhere without you - 4. - page 49


Если есть ряд x(k), то интеграл x(k) от a до b есть приближенно x(a) + x(a+1) + .... + x(b-1) + x(b). Называется формула прямоугольников.


I think it'sthe easiest method, which, among other things, is described in the source I cited ))

Thanks a lot for the help, I think I've got it, now I'll have to try it in hardware, so to speak))

Where can I get MT4 mobile build 409? Maybe someone still has it? Tired of bugs on new builds already :(((

there is no built-in "beautyfinder" in the meta-editor, unlike other more advanced IDEs, and probably won't be

you can "align" (or do it periodically as needed) in any development environment you like (MQ4 is just a standard tessct)

Some people don't use meta-editor at all, and attach the MQL to EX4 compilation script to Notepad+, Hexedit or something else (there seem to be some ready-made MQL coloring codes for them too)

Thank you)))

build 419 and the required script (birt's patch) does not work under this build

Download a new version from the author's website.
download the new version from the author's website.
Birt has decided to make some money and has released a new Tick Data Suite script, charging $99
Birt decided to make some money and released a new Tick Data Suite script for $99.

I'm surprised. I downloaded everything for free the other day. maybe you're downloading the wrong one? you just need the patch script.

You just downloaded everything for free. maybe you're downloading the wrong one? you just need the patch script.

Well here's a quote from their website "You're invited to check it out yourself - a free 7 day trial is available with the full functionality of the product. "I'm using it now or am I misunderstanding? It's only free for, like, 7 days.

s.w. read here http://eareview.net/tick-data-suite



It's not even about that script( I wonder what happened to my tester ;( Please help, I'm powerless already(

smshev, thank you.

I have already racked my brains, I cannot find an optimal solution for calculations in the indicator:

How to find the bar number on the lower TF where the day begins (or 4 hours) and where the day ends (or 4 hours)?