FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 211


you can find the moment when I got banned. There was no real reason for it. Strange called me names and I got banned. And he didn't do anything. Why was Vahrameev banned when he called the lady names and Strange was not banned when he called me names? They banned me, although I have not even written a swear word. Conclusion one - not everyone here is a mere mortal like me, but serves a particular purpose.
(elementary - how do you only trade ) How for nothing? - Stranger got banned for fear he would go back to the monastery .

you can find the moment when I got banned. There was no real reason for it. Strange called me names and I got banned. And he didn't get banned. Why was Vahrameev banned when he called the lady names and Strange was not banned when he called me names? They banned me, although I have not even written a swear word. Conclusion one - not everyone here is a mere mortal like me, but serves a particular purpose.

Listen, create a thread "Who got banned for what" and here should not clutter up the forum with unnecessary chatter!

Listen, create a thread called "Who got banned for what" and don't clutter up the forum with unnecessary chatter here!
We did..... he'll get banned there.

Here's the view! Let's break down the first yellow and bounce from the second yellow and blue! Up to 1.3333 maximum!

If they both break, we'll go down to the bottom blue at 1.3120 today!

Rather he is complicating things deliberately.

Doubt. Square 9 is a handy number squares and square roots calculator. It's not exactly accurate, but it's acceptable for a quick estimate. Considering how my grandfather kept his secret (even his son did not disclose), he was afraid that other methods of calculations (table Bradis, multiplication by column) in front of the crowd at the stock exchange, could expose his way of calculations to an attentive mind.

I have dealt with square 4 less, but I daresay it served a similar purpose.

Based on the above, I believe the squares were necessary for intermediate calculations, but not for predictions.


Listen, create a thread called "Who got banned for what" and don't clutter up the forum with unnecessary chatter here!

It's a good time to be flapping. Looks like the price will be moved again by the americans, and even then, after kafetime.

It's a good time to be flubbing. It looks like the americans will move the price again, and even then, after the kafetam.

It's not the time to be flapping, it's the time to think where we are going, to catch wind so to speak!

It's not time to flub, it's time to think where we're going, to catch the wind!

We could just keep an eye on the volume. It's troublesome, but safe. And now you can take 10 pips in any direction.
down we go
Not far away and at the pound further away.