FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 113

Hi all! Sorry for the absence. March 8 succeeded ! ))) What I see. Correction (up) was unexpectedly high, but the trend didn't change. Still recommend to sell, but not steep as it's peyrols today. Still believe in the 1.30 target this week (today is the last day of the week)

Last hope? Mobile man, it's not good to "drain" other people's(LeMaxx) deposits!

It's going to blow! It's either up or down, 5 minute timer!


Where's Kobzon? (what demons)

it's going to blow ! it's either up or down 5 minute timer


Get your helmet on!
how are your sell trades doing?

Don't worry about them. High risk trading makes you have to be able to react very dynamically, locate, etc. Everything's closed now. I'm waiting for the payrolls and I'll use it to catch the top and salt on it.

Don't worry about them. High-risk trading makes you have to be able to react very dynamically, locate, etc. Everything's closed now. I'm waiting for paerolls and I'm going to catch the top and salt on it.
gettin' old..... i thought you were gonna show 5x baiji by now....
Where's Kobzon? (what demons)

I don't get it either ))))
Wear a helmet!

put it on!

getting old..... I thought you'd be showing 5x bai by now....

no, i didn't jump in the bai)))

put on!

Did you miscalculate!? Or didn't you?!