What is the average length of time it takes to understand the processes and identify some of the hidden patterns in forex? - page 35


For B's sake, leave the last of the newcomers behind.

Soon there may be no one to talk to, as in the once popular sunshine traders' forum.


To clarify...


If someone who could have answered the questions refused to discuss it, then what's the point of continuing? There is no point.

Personally, it's not quite clear to me - what questions have not been answered, or refused to be discussed?

About complexity and simplicity? A very precise answer, if you ask me. Suum kuikwe, as they say... ;)

On the reasons for rambling, and the search for missing patterns, too, as if a hint and the fact of the ban - whose cheese is it eating?

And is it cheese? The tics don't lie in the analysis, do they? But if you smooth them out first and then generate them according to sprezalgorithms?

And also tie them to volum?

Many will not even have the life to understand the hidden patterns of kitchen recipes - by vomit.


And thank Sergey for his response and answer!


There are patterns in the market on every bar - only we keep stepping on them and only then do we start to notice


There are patterns in the market on every bar - only we keep stepping on them and only then do we start to notice

There are so many that half for up and half for down 50/50 - analysis begins which pattern is stronger and what if it does not go by the strong one, but by the one that is the most relevant now. Three years - contemplating the market should be enough to spare.

No, Roma, neither. This "grail" is not based on forex, which is why it only works to the advantage, and it is forbidden to discuss it publicly under pain of nails, and I'm willing to share it for free.

Even scarier is the fact that the essence of money turnover is the same: deposit, deal, time, profit. Only WITHOUT THE MINUTES! Opened a trade to make money? OK, I'll give you money...
I myself have long returned the investment and now I'm thinking about growth. So this system gave me what forex did not - money!


You may share it...



Maybe you can share...

So he was talking about MMM. I argued with him that it did not show other currencies where this currency (which you trade) would go
So he was talking about MMM, but he was arguing with him that it does not show other currencies where this currency (which he trades) will go


Andryukha, maybe he'll write...

I'd like to hear back from him...



Вы хотите сказать (перефразировав вас): рынок-это просто и на нем можно заработать используя достаточно простые и примитивные методы?

You see, my idea is as simple as a penny, but you cannot understand it. It's too deep for you yet. This is a good example of what I am talking about: the depth of a thought is inversely proportional to its simplicity. Understanding and accepting a simple thought is much more difficult than a clever one - we have just witnessed that.


It's like drilling for water - you drill through a water-bearing layer, and the next thing you know, there's no water. Although it seems to you that the deeper you drill, the more reliable the result.


All questions are answered and yet none are answered. How is this possible? Very simply. No one has asked any questions yet. They haven't. "Respondent" has found it necessary to "distance himself" from potential "askers".

The fact of "eating cheese" has not been noticed by me personally. And I have no illusions on this subject, although I admit that some of those present have them. However, there is incontrovertible evidence that "cheese is phantom", as evidenced by negative results of other traders' work in this direction (I mean - application of ticks).

One of the psychological things. When a person searches, he misleads not only himself, but also those around him who "search" for a while. This is also the basis of "stock trading" - the deception of others and oneself.

Sergei has gone his own way. We need to follow our own path, in which I agree with him. Therefore, I propose to leave the Privat and the ticks theme. Personally, I abandoned the subject of ticks once and for all a long time ago. And I suggest (once again) returning to the topic itself, and to the most important question - "Why is it taking so long?".



Therefore, I propose that we keep the theme of the Tipi and the theme of the Tiks. Personally, I abandoned the ticks theme once and for all a long time ago.

Doesn't it look like it? This is the first time we have heard from you about Prival being abandoned and its developments. How many more posts are you going to write about leaving the topic behind?

Or is the record stuck?