What is the average length of time it takes to understand the processes and identify some of the hidden patterns in forex? - page 37


Do you let mortals in?

No. There's an empty page and no one's there.
... and there was a bullshit with the Ring arguing that it does not show other currencies where the currency (which you trade) will go

I don't get it, Igor, where you were arguing with me, and when did I say that the Ring shows that someone is going somewhere

don't bullshit me.


Do you let mere mortals in?

Although... If you can prove your "simplicity" and prove your "mortality"...
Although... If you can prove your 'simplicity' and prove 'mortality'...

I don't really want to prove mortality.

Somehow I don't really want to verify mortality.
Ask someone to...

I don't get it, Igor, where you were arguing with me, and when did I say that the Ring shows that someone is going somewhere

don't talk nonsense

There was a thread about currency sharing..... and there you claimed it worked! - I did not ask to reveal the secrets of intellectual property. And now you have said yourself that there are no profitable strategies - in the MMM thread - and you are fervently agitating the meat there.... it's nothing if everyone invests a thousand! it would be.... it would be "mad money" (A.Raikin).

You proved it yourself. (I do not need anything, and about strategies - to change someone's mind - called their own stupidity against their TS) You defend your TS (MMM) - you say no workers TS I defend mine and agree with you. Good luck! (just don't mess up your karma)


Administration workers do not care about karma, they know how to negotiate if something goes wrong.

And I agree about shifting - it is not nice /.

I hear they want to make the world's currency MAURO)))) They need to adjust imports to the mt, the U.S. dollar is irrelevant)))

Tantrik: There was a thread - can't remember the name now - discussing joint currency movement.....
Not in this one.... Fuck it, ten grand invested maybe get rich. (sic: know when it bursts mmm )
Tantrik: ... and the ring was a dumb thing to argue with...

A lot of buzz words and an attempt to get away with it.

I repeat the question: where was the rubbish, where did you argue with me and when did I say that the Ring shows that someone will go somewhere?

And now you yourself have stated that there are no profitable strategies - in a thread about MMM

Watchmen in bazaars make their living by keeping an eye on the bazaar.©

I suggest you watch your mouth, blabbermouth.