[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 759


Well gentlemen, it promises to be an interesting day)))

why interesting? - divorced...

I'll put in my five cents )))) as I see the situation this way:

Why is it so low?...we go to 3700...from 3500 to correction...we form a divergence on n4 and go into a deep correction...

Good afternoon )))) Field trials today in our village energosov )))) Public discharge depot at 10 major )))). Everyone who wants to watch and poke fun )))) Invest-password is given earlier )))

Why interesting? - divorced...

well yeah )))) let's see how the 1.35 psychological level will be beaten by the puppet ))))

yeah )))) let's see how the 1.35 psychological level will be beaten by the puppet ))))

oh my god... What is this?

A google image search on the word "doll" decided it was him.)

Hu of " dolls"!?


A google image search on the word "doll" decided it was him).

Hu of " dolls"!?

The collective image of the big players, sung in folk tales, whose strength and invincibility are sung in the songs of the wandering Argonauts of trading.

Today the puppet will try to fool us with his false moves before tomorrow's news.


ISDA considers triggers on Greek CDS tomorrow