[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 753

Well, let's see if we can get to 1.3475 or not
Whoa! You reversed the order of the waves?! The third became part of the first?! And the second became the fourth?!
Wow! You reversed the order of the waves?! The third became part of the first?! And the second became the fourth?!
On the m-5, it's first, and on the H-1, it's fifth.

the Bundestag is discussing the possibility of a second bailout, right now .... there are a lot of commentators out there laughing

Thank you!!! Yes, it reminds me of Hitler, sorry, I do not want to offend the speaker, but I cannot understand what he is saying!!! but there are a lot of numbers, I think I hear Furzig, Zipzig...
So let's check the indy to see if we can reach 1.3475 or not
heh.... the day will be great then..... just in time to start further north...
heh.... the day would be great then..... just in time for the start further north...


More coming down the line! IMHO!

Why are you getting so carried away? ))) Do you think the Bundestag is trading the Euro? )))
Why are you getting so carried away? ))) Do you think the Bundestag is trading the Euro? )))

from the... python and aligator.... this is going to end badly.

from... python and aligator.... will end badly.

It's just that the FA doesn't deal with market entry points )))

It's just that the FA doesn't deal with market entry points ))))

Personally, I am disgusted by the puppet's actions