[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 756


If there is an overlap, you can sell from the kickback...


If there is an overlap, you can sell from the kickback...

I'm having a hard time figuring out where the kolyan is.

I'm having a hard time figuring out where the kolyan is.
If the question is for me, then
Eugene, watching the rainbow. Your entry into the sale was confirmed by the signal. But further it seems that the price is looking for bearish 0 all day and lacks the smallest thing.
Eugene, watching the rainbow. Your entry into the sale was confirmed by the signal. But further it seems that the price is looking for bearish 0 the whole day and lacks the smallest part.

Ok )))) I went to call the doll ))))

Okay )))) I went to call the doll ))))

I guess he didn't get through, because the puppet is still in his mind as I understand it.

on the day the eu closes with an inside bearish bar...probability of a move down the eu...but the bar is not pretty...

the pound is similar...


I guess he didn't get through, because the puppet is still in his mind, as I understand it.

Since this puppet is so vile and soulless and scumming poor Greeks, from now on he'll be communicating with energosov )))) Just finished )))) I'll leave the depot at the mercy of the useless iron man )))
...let's hope it doesn't suffer the fate of thousands and thousands of birds with a code inside...
wow! you changed the order of the waves?! the third became part of the first?! and the second became the 4th?!

now it looks like 4th wave on n1 is working in 3rd wave on n4...picture attached...