[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 734


The key level is 1.3475.

We're not going to roll back or break anything. We will wait for London.


tara 27.02.2012 01:09

The key level is 1.3475.

...it's like ???? what's its particularity...

Just a flat level. Determined by eye, can be refined, but the difference will be negligible.

Oh shit! overslept the market entry!

the third wave is supposed to be over!

Is there a way out? Or are we catching every bounce? :)Or has there been a change in the waves? I must have overslept :)
Is there a way out? Or we catch every pullback? :) Or i missed it :)

If they do not go in, they will surely go down, but the rise is already questionable!

We'll hit the red bottom line and go down! IMHO!!!

You know, I had a dream I was sitting at the computer today with today's bet down! And all of a sudden, the price goes down 100 points without stopping!

That's what I'm talking about. I'm talking about what your brain is thinking. So all dreams are not predictions. They're your thoughts. !!!!

the wedge is halfway through and the move is coming!

What's up, Mobilich? Are you shorting or not? Or are you putting up now? (Very interesting!)


The wedge is halfway through and it's going to move!

Doesn't a wedge like this work upwards?


I am waiting upwards. I have a small stake now, if we go higher, I will put a bigger one! It will be more exciting, but I have a feeling we will not go up (it's just a matter of time!)

The more I deal with Gunn, the more I am convinced that the price doesn't care about us small potatoes, but about anyone. It's like an enchanted price going through Gunn's channels, going from one to the other. It's mystical. At 15 min, somewhere a year ago, you find min or max, draw an angle from it and see that the price has not just stood there, but has touched your line. And the harder the line resists, the more the price gets kicked when it bounces or breaks.


Maybe this little hike down is for the upward spurt! the bollinger is also contending! but maybe I'm wrong!