[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 582

pour it off yourself and help a friend - here it is MB, (tricky to get into the boo himself already)

I haven't got into it and I wouldn't advise you to.

Stay out of it and I wouldn't advise you to either.

(called Director F this morning : -when will this fuck-up be over - says not every day and less flubbing )

bang... CU knocked out...

I know all about it. I just wanted it to be me who said down.

Mobilych, I'm just papstalking, do you even look at the nature of the up and down movement, I'm not even talking about the classic low-high, 3750 is only the first target, the main 4450.

I don't want to get involved and I don't want you to either.

Well, thank you and kudos to you! I was dumb yesterday, but today I'm out of the game!

I'm done for the day! ))


Mobilich, I'm just papstalking, do you even look at the nature of the up and down movement, I'm not even talking about the classic low-high, 3750 is only the first target, the main 4450.
already higher.

To buy, yes, but that sellstop will only get you into trouble later.

To buy, yes, but that sellstop will only get you in trouble later.
It's not supposed to get there and it' s shallow .
Up so far , on almost all charts
bang... CU knocked out...
have you tried buying one?