[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 288


I've got this watch, is it an hour and a half or what? when is 24?
In two and a half hours )))
In two and a half hours )))

at 23:00 then... we'll be 4:00 by then.... no, i'll start pulling the stop closer so the moose is smaller and go to bed)))

I' venever seen such a stupid exit, you should train your whole department.

i see that you trade around the clock and leave positions on weekends. what are you risking though : )

i don't know where i'm going with this, but i'm sure i will find it.


3 reasons for the euro's absurd rally

The euro has been rallying strongly recently, in spite of the foggy exit prospects of the Eurozone and the endless drama around Greece and the terms of the second bailout package.
So what is it all about?

Tommy Moloy, Senior Dealer at FX Solutions, gives 3 solid reasons why the single currency is "frantically rising on bad news":

1. Central banks in Southeast Asia have recently been adding to domestic reserves by diversifying their reserve portfolios. Most of the buying is aimed at the dollar, but the Banks are also showing interest in the euro and even British sterling.

2. Countries in the Middle East have traditionally been the main buyers of the single currency. The fact that oil is now trading around $100 a barrel means that they have spare cash and can buy the euro, especially at low levels. Molloy explains that, "The Middle East is particularly active in demand when the currency is trading below $1.30.

3. European banks, corporations and industrials repatriate their cash to their home countries in order to increase the attractiveness of their balance sheets. The euro is strengthening in these operations despite the fact that the reason for these actions is the weak state of the economy.

However, these factors point to the reasons for the strength of the Euro in the short term. In other words, it does not mean that the currency has any fundamental strength.

Keyword: ECONOMY
10-Feb-2012 17:25:36 (UTC+2)1111


i see that you trade around the clock and leave positions on weekends. what are you risking though : )

If you're so smart, where's your 100 dollar pamm?

I don't need any viewers or investors.


I don't need spectators or investors.

So open a live journal!
9000 posts, just a crap guru) what do these charts mean?
9000 posts, just a crape guru) what do these charts mean?

You want to get into a fight at the close of Friday night? ))) What's the matter with you gurus? )))

(I'm not a speech therapist or a comrade...). ))) What's wrong with gurus? )))


Stenger is not a speech therapist or a comrade) those in the know will understand.



A stranger is not a speech therapist or a comrade) those who know me will understand.

the less you know, the better you sleep )))) Mobilich will understand me ))))