[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 262

Good afternoon all! Heard on the news today that the UK is launching the printing press today. Don't know whether to believe it or not, but if so, the pound will be around 1.54 for sure, maybe even lower.

A fiendish force has emerged )))) Canadian rules ))))
and what other forces do you have on your charts?
strangerr: Both point to a further upturn.

Do you think there won't be a Greek default?
Isn't it all downhill?
For now, it has been cancelled. 1.3230 will come - then we can look down.

we're all sitting here laughing. thank you for your posts! and the target is 1.35 with a stop of 1.32.... That's a very deliberate move.

One branch is more beautiful than the next...

Well, it's not like we've been panting for nothing, at least the department got a laugh!

Both indicate a further upturn.

Before America, Europe will try to salt the eu more )))) They have enough guts to go to 3155 at the most. Then the americans will come and give everyone a propeller))))
Good afternoon all! Heard on the news today that the UK is launching the printing press today. Don't know whether to believe it or not, but if so, the pound will be around 1.54 for sure, maybe even lower.
dssols by the way they announced this yesterday and decided instead of 75, 50. so if you look at the charts the euro pound goes down, the pound goes up against many currencies

Do you think there won't be a Greek default?
There won't be a default.
There will be no default.
How much would you bet on there not being a default?
What other forces do you have on your charts?

I don't understand anything myself yet )))) I told you I have tests )))