[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 488


They are not there yet)))


What do you say.... NY opened 13 minutes ago. Hence the down candle. According to this watch both NY and Chicago are at the same time at all. The clock is screwed up. It used to be right though.

Guys, I've written before ) how much I don't give a shit about it all ) years on fore have built up an iron stamina. And no excitement.
)))) Just this time fate has given you a gift! With a martin and such an MM you're going to lose ! )))

Oh, you don't say... NY opened 13 minutes ago. Hence the down candle. According to this watch, both NY and Chicago are at the same time. The clock is screwed up. Used to be correct though.

Different time by the clock and the clock is correct.

New_york is an hour longer, the stock exchange opens at 9 local time. Any questions?


Different by the hour and the clock is right.

yosuf 24.01.2012 08:37

Let's start growing.... People are stocking up...

yosuf 24.01.2012 08:37

On the contrary, wants to fall to 1.2960-80

1710 nikelodeon 24.01.2012 08:39

Anyway, there are more buyers in the market, but the volume of their positions is not great, so we stomp on the spot....

8093 strangerr 24.01.2012 08:42

On the contrary, it wants to fall to 1.2960-80

And who will give it...

2135 yosuf 24.01.2012 08:43


Who is going to give...
Indicator suggests, by the way, little by little has begun


Different by the hour and the clock is right.

You surprised me. Am I blind or what? People, break it down for us. On the face of this watch, both New York and Chicago are at the same time

You surprised me. Am I blind or what? People, judge us. On the face of this watch, both New York and Chicago at the same time

the premacrette is... that's what you were told.

You surprised me. Am I blind or what? People, judge us. On the face of this watch, New York and Chicago are on the same time.

Sorry, the clocks do have the same time for them.

Yusufhoja, didn't we update the highs? And where would your stops have been?


the premacquer is ... you were told correctly.

then what is drawn on the dial? After all, they are ONE time there.

yosuf 24.01.2012 08:37

Let's start growing.... People are stocking up...

yosuf 24.01.2012 08:37

On the contrary, wants to fall to 1.2960-80

1710 nikelodeon 24.01.2012 08:39

Anyway, there are more buyers in the market, but the volume of their positions is not great, so we stomp on the spot....

8093 strangerr 24.01.2012 08:42

On the contrary, it wants to fall to 1.2960-80

And who will give it...

2135 yosuf 24.01.2012 08:43


Who is going to give...
Indicator suggests, by the way, little by little has begun

What do you want to say???? I personally turned over a long time ago and we did go up 1.3060 joe, just like stranger said. So I don't know what you're getting at.

Sorry, there really is one time on the clock for them.

Yusufhoja, didn't we update the highs? And where would your stops have been?

Well, that's what I'm saying.