[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 468

Well, look, now the delta at 1.3019 has good volume. It turns out that the channel is currently traded at 1.3042 and the bottom at 1.3019. BUT the channel isn't visible on the chart, but we already know about it.... So there you go... here's the thing... And by opening at the next hour it is possible to raise 20 pips....
so the price is below 3019 - will it go from 3019 to 3042 due to traded volumes? (and at the next hour?)
My understanding is that the trading volume is a level and the support or resistance depends on where the current price is located. Above or below. I.e. 1.3042 is the resistance level, because the price is lower. The level of 1.3019 is not known yet. Because there is not enough volumes traded there. This level can also be resistance. It all depends on where the rate will be. If we go up at this hour, we will move there, we will surely gain some good volumes, and it will be negative or positive. We need to watch the point volumes. I.e. extremely high delta values at one price. This indicates big or smart money. There is a lot of buying in a second. Or sales. It is necessary to check the market. Therefore, if the exchange rate goes up now, but at this level of 1.3019 there will be big negative values means down, if positive means up.... Stranger I get it right????
The euro has suffered losses but remains above the $1.30 level after eurozone finance ministers told their Greek counterparts that Greece should not expect an increase in bailout funds despite the country's worsening economic situation. This is reported by sources in Dow Jones.
My understanding is that the trading volume is a level and the support or resistance depends on where the current price is located. Above or below. I.e. 1.3042 is the resistance level, because the price is lower. The level of 1.3019 is not known yet. Because there is not enough volumes traded there. This level can also be resistance. It all depends on where the rate will be. If we go up at this hour, we will move there, we will surely gain some good volumes, and it will be negative or positive. We need to watch the point volumes. I.e. extremely high delta values at one price. This indicates big or smart money. There is a lot of buying in a second. Or sales. It is necessary to check the market. Therefore, if the exchange rate goes up now, but at this level of 1.3019 there will be big negative values means down, if positive means up.... Stranger I get it right????
Are you looking at m5 or m10?

But on the grandfather side, only the rays in the MT are dangling like straw.

If you pay attention, there was a point injection. or rather it's hard to say here, there is just a large delta at 1.3016. But there is not much volume, so we wait for the extremly high values in the cloud at 1.3017- 1.3022 and look for the positive values. Again we should not forget that these are the volumes of only a part of the market. The real amount of trades is not known. Only the number of bid and ask contracts at a given price is known and only for the futures. So.....
m5? or are you looking at the m10?

on the clock....
If the price is above this cloud, it will be support, if not, it may go down...
3 US naval vessels are already on alert off the coast of Iran