[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 252

and the quid would have been made on his no-win TC!
you're laughing for nothing. She really is. Because there's not an ounce of TA and FA in it )))) and I can buy what I want ))) Sometimes I want to automate the process of making money.

it's simpler than that.

sit up straight, relax, legs and arms intertwined, just follow your breath, don't think about anything, eyes closed, breathing slower and slower, get out of your body, look around, fly to the euro-buck chart, take a virtual pencil, draw whatever candles you want, come back into your body, smile, thank the universe, everything! ))))

Out of body is probably easy, isn't it? But how do you get back without resuscitation?


i drew a buy this morning ))))

And some guy named Vasya Pupkin drew a sell on Friday and also thanked someone there financially for sharing insider information.

Try to guess three times which of you two will be right?

There is a unique case that a BC friend recently told me - a man knows ideally all combinations of candlesticks and some other methodology - but the inability to apply it led him to lose a part of his deposit - after that he concluded that one should learn to trade instead of knowing...

I also tried to memorize all those Indians at the bottom bumped by a hammer against the resistance... gave it up ))) anyway i can't see these figures, i can only see down or up ... stupid me ))))))))))))
You shouldn't laugh. It really is. Because it doesn't have an ounce of TA and FA in it )))) and I can buy what I want ))) Sometimes you want to automate the process of making money.
and i'm not laughing just a paradox and you know i don't doubt your TA in the slightest (no reason.)

Out of the body is probably easy, isn't it? But how do you get back in without resuscitation?

And some guy named Vasya Pupkin drew a sell on Friday and also thanked someone financially for sharing his insider information.

Try to guess three times which of you two is right?

it's an astral exit, there's no problem with return)))

Who the fuck is this Pupkin, let him do it, don't mess up my greedy picture ))))

i know all combinations of candlesticks and some other methodology, but not knowing how to use it made him lose a part of his deposit - after that he concluded he should learn to trade and not to know...

I, too, when I started out, knew all the candle combinations, how to win-win and steadily chop dough and the secrets of the Grail (I read it in a Williams book), and I also lost. After that I became an ardent Socrates fan.

I know that I know nothing (c) Socrates

and I'm not laughing just a paradox and you know I don't doubt your TS in the slightest (no reason).
so let's keep watching together while I give signals here
so we'll keep watching together while I give the signals here.
As in the song: "The signal was given - him to the west, her to the other side, the Komsomol left for the civil war!"

it's an astral exit, no problem with return ))))

what the fuck, let bye do it, don't get my greedy picture dirty ))))

I wish I could get out of my body that way, I'm sick of riding the bus and the locomotive, and I also want to see what's important.
I wish I could get out of the body like that, I'm tired of travelling by bus or by steam train, and I also want to see something important))) Important things, I mean
If a person has got inaccuracies in regard to literacy it means that he has got an attitude to himself first of all - therefore if he wants to impress another person he has to learn to do everything right for himself and only after that think about impressing other people...