[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 123

Fitch, Parker: Germany's AAA rating is safe

- No downgrade of France expected for 2012
- No immediate risk for AAA rating of Austria
- Eurozone will come out of the crisis
- European sovereigns on watch list could be downgraded by 1-2 places
- More active role by the ECB could improve the situation in the eurozone
- Pressure on French banks is increasing
- Italy is in the firing line in the current crisis

Interest on German government bonds went negative for the first time in history

For the first time ever, German government bonds have suffered a negative interest rate. To invest in German securities, investors are willing to pay interest themselves instead of receiving it. As the German Federal Bank (Bundesbank) reported on Monday, January 9, the interest rate on 6-month German government bonds fell to - 0.0122 percent.As the AFP agency notes, this phenomenon is apparently due to the debt crisis in the eurozone. The minus interest rate indicates that investors care more about the security of their financial investments than receiving interest on them. The phenomenon illustrates "the nervousness prevailing in the financial markets," dpa quoted Commerzbank loan officer David Schnauz as saying.


Investors prepare to forget about the Greek issue

The external background to the Russian market on Tuesday, January 10, is very positive. Investor sentiment, having returned from the New Year holidays, was bolstered by the growth in oil prices and US indices, as well as the balance of trade data from China, released on 10 January, which showed a trade surplus rising to USD 16.5bn (instead of the expected USD 8bn) on the back of increased exports and a slowdown in the rate of growth of exports. (This gives hope for growth of the Middle Kingdom's economy in the second half of 2012, contrary to many forecasts, which is very positive not only for the PRC stock market but also for the world's major exchanges.

Margaret, thank you.
Margaret, thank you.
Margaret, thank you. Falling badly, falling very badly - almost growing!
Margaret, thank you. Falling badly, falling very badly - almost growing!

You're kidding right :)))))

Are you kidding me :)))))
Waiting for 2770 -50 and closing the sells, the eu from there 28 - 2950.
Margaret, I keep forgetting to ask, what source do you use to quote from? Is it a paid resource or is it freely available?
Margaret, the second piece of news is supposed to kill the euro. Strange that there is no talk of an Iranian crisis - oil prices should be dropping the dollar a lot by the end of the month by my understanding, that's probably what's supporting the eu. What do you think.