[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 247


I would like to understand the foundation without alchemy, why they will start buying up euros
because it's cheap.

A senior EU official in Brussels told Reuters that "intensive consultations at all levels" were underway to discuss the shrinking of the euro zone. The BBC quotes him as saying, "We need to proceed very cautiously, but the truth is that we need to establish precisely the list of those who do not want to be part of the club and those who simply cannot be part."

BBC Europe editor Gavin Hewitt says: "It is now definitively clear that the financial crisis in the eurozone is forcing a debate about the future of the eurozone. There is no detailed plan yet, but the developments have prompted a stern warning from European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso about the dangers of splitting the eurozone, Hewitt adds.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's press office denied plans to shrink the zone, saying Berlin aimed to "stabilise the eurozone as a whole"; while French President Nicolas Sarkozy spoke openly of a "two-speed Europe".


I'm not sure if the DC money is affecting the market, I think the game is with DCs
it's at alpari pamm, the accounts are large withdrawals and are there any other options?
noooo.... not so... I'll go to sell with a 100 yard lot and it will go down ))))

I'm thinking only if it falls on Monday it will be the strongest buy signal and if it goes straight up, just a couple hundred pts correction.

I think, that if it decreases on Monday, it will be a strong signal for buy, and if it will go straight up, it will be a correction for a couple hundred points.

we will see soon ).

By the way, as my intuition has decided to leave the sell order at 1.2930, it is more likely to be the second option and it is about to enter the market


we will see soon ).

By the way, since my intuition decided to leave a sell order at 1.2930, it is more likely to be the second option and it is about sure to enter the market

I meant the day, and 2930, 2450 etc. are all rubbish.

I mean daily, and 2930, 2450 etc are all bullshit.
250pp is not bullshit, but there was already such a wide H4 channel at 1.37, then a false break up and went down, in 2009 I think.

Guys, it's the same old story all over again... Everyone's shouting up... I mean, it's been a couple of days now that everyone is tuning the readers of this thread upwards. I don't see either up or down yet, but based on this branch, I'd be salting, but so far on the fence )))

WE WILL see where it actually goes and draw our own conclusions soon


Guys, it's the same old story all over again... Everyone's shouting up... I mean, it's been a couple of days now that everyone is tuning the readers of this thread upwards. I don't see either up or down yet, but based on this branch, I'd be salting, but so far on the fence )))

WILL SEE where it actually goes and draw our own conclusions

If you don't mind, I will give my vision of the situation (not a forecast) for the next week and maybe a bit further, on D1, and since I am learning to draw some conclusions, do not judge strictly, but correct me if I say wrong:

Definitely for next week the general mood is down, but, Stranger is right, a rise of only 150-200pp is not ruled out, the decline with fluctuations will continue until the end of the month and then it will apparently be the turn of a gradual rise with a distant target around 1.4300.



If you don't mind, I will give my vision (not a forecast) for the next week and maybe a bit further, on D1, and since I am learning to make some conclusions, don't judge strictly, but correct me if I say something wrong:

Definitely for next week the general mood is down, but, Stranger is right, a rise of only 150-200pp is not ruled out, the decline with fluctuations will continue until the end of the month and then it will apparently be the turn of a gradual rise with a distant target around 1.4300.

Just Streinger wrote earlier about my sell order at 1.2930, if I leave it, I will get my first and the BIGEST elk. I understood he was aiming upwards MUCH higher than 150-200ppts.