[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 126



and I regret that it didn't get to 8 pips.... I'm sure we'll drop 250-300 pips.

P.S. Maybe we'll get it again.

P.P.S. The patient will be rewarded.

.... if it is not too much trouble for YOU, please tell us a little bit why you put 2815 in the eu...

...thank you...

I liked the steam train myself, standing there watching one Anna Karenina after another being thrown onto the tracks)))
Everyone )))) The bulls have torn their navel ))))
Everyone )))) The bulls have torn their navel ))))

And only the old and cautious Tantrik knew what it's all about because he's been living for a long time ))))
Pending.... has been triggered
shall we sell gold?
shall we sell gold?

Under the train too?))

And only the old and cautious Tantrik knew what it was all about, because he's been living a long time)))

I don't even want to argue ))))

I don't even want to argue ))))

You can't argue with Tantric, you see he's quiet)))