[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 74


Also add, the word might like it, it's an argument))))
there is nowhere for the index to grow, if the eu returns 2730 on H4 - there will be a channel test and no breakout, of course on H4.
It was a long time ago, that account no longer exists (besides, it was not mine, it was an investor's account), then I opened another account and transferred the balance from the old account to the new one...the only good thing was that I did not allow Margin Call, I closed with pain in my heart, understanding that I did not understand what was happening to the market... I was sitting there thinking: how come the market went against TA, against my position, I was so indignant at that moment, of course it's funny to remember it now...

I would be glad to use FA, but I cannot understand it well... If someone could give me a hint :)))))
There is nowhere for the index to rise, if the eu on H4 returns 2730 - then it will be a channel test and no breakout, of course on H4.

What do you mean - there is nowhere to grow?)))

Article, sorry))))

It was a long time ago, that account no longer exists (besides, it was not mine, it was an investor's account), I opened another account and transferred the balance from the old account to the new one...the only good thing was that I did not allow a Margin Call, I closed with pain in my heart, knowing that I do not understand what is happening to the market...

I see) It's just that probably every trader has such moments. Me too)).

At the time I sold at the very bottom, I didn't use stops, the news was shouting "Crisis". (I didn't use stops and did not take them.) Finally I got into a position I couldn't fix).

Yeah, I used to think so too, until I lost 22,000 quid in 20 minutes to this TA... since then the FA is priceless to me...



Sonny, you can't kill yourself like that......
And who knows what's up with oil prices?

I see) It's just that probably every trader has such moments. Me too)).

At the time I sold at the very bottom, I didn't use stops, the news was shouting "Crisis". I ended up in a long position that I couldn't fix)).

My investor, too, kept shouting at me in August 2010 to only sell - I told him to open an account and sell... In the end he sold somewhere around 1.2600-1.2650 (I do not remember exactly), gave me the password to the account and said - help me, I opened a counter position with 2 lots covered, but have not yet closed it rolls back, probably will close soon ... waiting, I wonder ...

How is there nowhere to go, what's the overlap?)))

Article, well sorry)))

maybe 2700 will hold, stop put 2697, gold sold and good luck! (euro yen came, euro pound came)


There were three orders of two lots, 1 point equals $10.