[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 73


So, Margaret, we buy and sell every day)))

I was talking about the medium term...

but yeah... three pips there, two pips there, ten pips there, etc.



maybe a false breakdown, bought a double!

I have the last sell left open with 2930, I'll close today at the end of the day. We will see from here.

So screw the foundations... the curves are the best...

yeah, that's what i thought too, until i lost 22,000 quid in 20 minutes to this TA... since then the FA is invaluable to me...
Yeah, I used to think so too, until I lost 22,000 quid in 20 minutes to this TA...

when was that?
No )))) Screw other people's opinions )))) For the first time in a while I listened and this is the result )))) My signals are more expensive ))))

when was that?
In my third month of forex trading
in my third month of forex trading

number, year, and where did you open? I want to see on the chart))

Could be a false breakdown, bought a double!

Also add, the word maybe liked, that's an argument)))

date, year, and where did you open? I would like to see the chart))
it was a long time ago, that account no longer exists (besides, it was not mine, it was an investor's account), i opened another account and transferred the balance from the old account to the new one...the only good thing was that i did not allow a margin call, i closed with pain in my heart, understanding that i do not understand what is happening to the market... I was sitting there thinking: how come the market went against TA, against my position, I was so indignant at that moment, of course it's funny to remember it now...