I'm getting a bit dumb on the probabilities. - page 4


split the trials into a series?


Does a casino, for example, have a big statistical advantage over a player?

Because google only talks about forex betting.

Academic interest.

P.S. It's not about machines, it's about roulette etc.

Svetlana, I don't want to distract you from answering OnGoing :)

Alexei, ay...


Tezka, let me talk to a fellow moderator.

And how will you combine these series?

You write the formulas as you see them.


Communicate, I'm not a hindrance to the moderation chain.

Tezka, how should they be combined? In my retrograde view, the only requirement for them is that there are no interdependencies.

How does the result of dropping a cube affect the result of a fellow cube that fell nearby? That's several series, therefore 0.5 for three and not a pony less :)


And with seven cc's, what would it be? 7/6?

There seems to be a club for adding probabilities - instead of multiplying them :)

There are no interdependencies, of course. But independent events are multiplied by probabilities. Here's how it works: we draw 4 cells. Each of them gets a number when the cube is rolled. The probability that anything other than 6 gets into the first one is 5/6. For all the others it is the same. That's why the 4th degree is 5/6. And then subtract the result from 1.


And with seven cc's, what would it be? 7/6?

There seems to be an amateur club here for adding probabilities - instead of multiplying them :)

Alexei, let's start with a situation for three

No notebooks.

See my previous post, finished. Similarly for three. It will be 1 - (5/6)^3 ~ 0.421.

Your eyes are washed out, imho. Sorry, of course :)


For three dice, the probability of getting at least one six is 1 probability of not getting one