1st and 2nd derivatives of the MACD - page 53

What is it again, how to insert a picture, not a panel with buttons or now even Ctrl+Alt+I does not work?
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Since the topic of macdi derivatives has run out of steam, and the wording of the topic is wrong, I'm going to discuss it further in a new thread. thanks to those who read the thread for doing it incognito and without explaining their thoughts as usual((. And thanks to those (of which there are twice fewer than the fingers on one hand) who at least tried to explain some points. If anyone is willing to join, without pathos and arrogant speeches, welcome.

these will be branches with the following titles

1- spectrum derivative (or spectrum acceleration)

2- phase multicurrency analysis.


a thought popped into my head.

that if you take a fan of wands and for each individual wand build a trend line, each wand will oscillate around its trend line, but the lines themselves will have a different slope for different wands. you need to take and fit these trend lines to each other. perhaps you will get something like a common trend line with all carrier frequencies, and the frequency line density behavior (picture 2)

red - price, green - common frequency overlap.

you won't believe it - macdi is essentially the first price derivative - how do you get another one ? the same way macdi gets the first one.
when regression lines are moved, they change the slope angle and either compress or stretch the curve, the mechanism for compressing and stretching depending on the slope angle needs to be calculated
Maybe someone has tried something similar, maybe not a regression line, but something else. maybe I'm reinventing the wheel?

I don't know anything about µl, so I can't tell you what's what, can you describe it on your fingers? a picture would be great.

I've looked through it, but I don't understand the mechanism of shrinking and stretching the masks during averaging.

Freud: a thought popped into my head about this _
Jos, what do you think the financial and physical meaning of MA is?
Jos, what do you think the financial and physical meaning of AI is?

well, financial - it must have been 20 years ago, when it was sold under the guise of an indicator))))) and physical.....mmmmmm... i don't want to argue.

What kind of people are you, you know the answer, why are you asking the question, why don't you just write your own answer? Why are you smearing it on paper, just say it.

By the way. )))) change your avatar, you scare me, you look like a youthful terminator)))) that was a more dignified picture) no offense.


I am not familiar with µl, so I can't say what's what, can you describe it on your fingers? a picture would be awesome.

I have looked through it, but I do not understand the mechanism of shrinking and stretching the masks during averaging.

It's essentially the same as macdi, only instead of mashups they use linear regression.