1st and 2nd derivatives of the MACD - page 33


I'm not the only one who asked for the same pictures, so please don't torture our virgin brains again.

I am not the only one who asked for the same pictures, but they do not make sense if people do not understand them.

you have a finished product and they make no sense without explanations.

Oh, yeah. My brain is just getting ready to lose its virginity, and now it's offering hard sex right away)))
trol222: phase change (in macdi a/b-1)
Everybody is so polite and doesn't pick on me(because they know long ago that it's useless: you'll confuse me even more) - but I'll pick on you: do you think everyone understands, what's "a slash be hyphen 1"?
That's all so polite and do not pick on(because they know for a long time that it's useless: even more confusing) - but I'll pick on: do you think everyone understands, what is the "slash be minus 1"?

well, in macdi you usually take the difference between MA2-MA1, and to bring different curvilinear graphs to the same coordinate axis I preferred MA1/close-1, MA2/MA1-1 etc. .

Of course, one can initially convert numerical series to relative units

What orthogonality are you talking about? Give me a definition of the term so that I understand how it differs from orthogonality commonly accepted in mathematics.

Oh, yeah. My brain is just getting ready to lose its virginity and now it's offering hard sex right away)))
What kind of sex is that? Why don't we go ice skating?
What orthogonality are you talking about? Give me a definition of the term so that I understand how it differs from orthogonality commonly accepted in mathematics.

Removed the word orthogonality in the post, is that better?
What kind of sex is this? Why don't we go ice skating?

Yeah. Ice skating sex is awesome:)
Yeah. Ice skating sex is cool:)

not very comfortable, I'll tell you that.
Violence on the brain is also sex, after all.

not very comfortable, I'll tell you that.
From my experience?)