[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 65






Time to get in the Christmas spirit !!! )))) or wait ??? )))



Time to get in the Christmas spirit !!! )))) or wait ??? )))

I don't know, it's a personal matter... In fact the dotted line on the screenshot is a descending wedge, 1.34 I think is the minimum, although the forecast is unfortunate, there might be a breakthrough earlier...

If we take the day, there is a triangle looming.


Good evening! Where have you been?

Did you see the new gem-grial on MT5?

The system shows 23-00 EUR/USD
4H - 1.3440 -
1D - 1.4300 - buy signal


Good evening! Where have you been?

Did you see the new MT5 trick?

The system shows 23-00 EUR/USD
4H - 1.3440 -
1D - 1.4300 - buy signal
earnings 20000 $ per month

Hi! (I already wrote about 1.43 :)) how is the news background positive?

Hi! (I already wrote about 1.43 :)) how is the news background positive?

Hi! It's not about the level, it's about the new grailer (like our 777)... And it's going to happen tonight at 2300, I wonder... very much... Further writes:

guys In MIFI they have such computers and shit there guys change bikes for lexuses in 2 years - I paid 600000 thousand rubles for 6 months of practice on the blag - this system is a bonus for me - I will answer all the criticism)

The news backdrop is the same until the end of the year, nothing new... The only thing is what will be decided with KU3 (will it or won't it), but that will be decided on 23, or maybe not....

In my opinion, it will be flat for the rest of the year in a wide range, as of today. On thecontrary, the whole base was for the growth, so I think about the wide flat range with the technique execution, because of the uncertainty and in the run-up to the big holiday...


The political situation in the eurozone has stabilised somewhat, with decisions to form new governments in Greece and Italy. However, investors still have serious doubts about whether these countries will be able to resolve their debt problems.

European stock indices fell as optimism over Silvio Berlusconi's resignation faded. Markets opened higher after the country's prime minister agreed yesterday to step down in exchange for the opposition's agreement to approve a new economic reform package. This somewhat increases the likelihood of new measures aimed at cutting public spending soon, which in turn may lead to revision of the forecasts of the country's debt burden and contribute to further ECB interventions on the sovereign debt market. On the other hand, the optimism of the Italian equity market is not shared by the government bond and CDS market as yields and premiums are rising there over the two days. At the same time, the high level of uncertainty is supported by news from Greece, where the ruling party and the opposition are still unable to form a coalition government, which must agree in writing to continue its course of economic reforms in order to approve the next tranche of financial aid from the IMF and the EU.
A debt-ridden Europe is going through its toughest period since World War II and must pull together in the face of challenges, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel.


The politician said that automatic sanctions should be introduced against "budget defaulters" as well as stricter regulation of financial markets (in her view, this includes a ban on "short" sales of securities, a bank tax and a financial transaction tax).

A debt-ridden Europe is going through its toughest period since World War II and must pull together in the face of challenges, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel.


The politician said that automatic sanctions should be introduced against "budget defaulters" as well as stricter regulation of financial markets (in her view, this includes a ban on "short" sales of securities, a bank tax and a financial transaction tax).

Thank you! So, let's go on sulking, the low is over, eh?