[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 9: November 2011) - page 122


The topic of making modern music is very close to me, and if there are others on this forum who are passionate about it, it will be a pleasure to talk to them,

Not to be off-topic, I've moved the discussion here: https://forum.mql4.com/ru/37270/page35


Everybody has a hobby, but I don't call myself a composer, although I do have some background. It's called culture - zero. Culture is a philosophical category here, as an accumulated positive experience. Where to get it from, if you have to pay 150 Euriks for a good concert.

Very interesting forecasting and tendency..... I didn't want to interfere in this debate, but, CULTURE is always and everywhere, it's just diverse - it's a philosophical question, so don't say that "culture is zero" - that's a far wrong expression.

The bottom is just around the corner, let's get ready (not Monday at 00.00))))

Very interesting prediction and trend..... I didn't mean to interfere in this debate, but, CULTURE is always and everywhere, it's just diverse - it's a philosophical question, so don't say that "culture is zero" - that's a far wrong expression.

To paraphrase, I meant "there's nothing to compare it to", and that's what the man got:

"How to perform a competent surgery after a bottle of tequila without any medical training"

If only it were called:

"How to become a lounge geek without any training"... or .

How to write music for a computer game without a degree.

he didn't even understand why I was so indignant: a man is walking around in libraries studying scores, he hasn't slept a night, he's been bleeding fingers on strings since childhood and can't get a composer, and here you come and get it

He should have written here:


It wouldn't be worth the price of a branch and spam would be filtered

P.S. "Culture zero" is an aphorism not mine, I like figurative expression - it's my weakness, I could write "scapegoats" in an article for a very serious magazine for which I've been scapegoated more than once, so I'm used to it :)


he didn't even understand why I was so indignant: a man goes around in libraries studying scores, stays up nights, wipes his fingers bloody on the strings since childhood and can't get a composer, and then "here you are".

If a man "walks around in libraries, studying scores, sleeps nights, wiping bloody fingers on the strings from childhood" in order to get the title of a composer he either is not talented or the problem is in his head.

PS Yuri pointed out the move in another thread.

PS2 I agree with Margaret, culture is not just about education.


Bottom is around the corner, let's get ready (not Monday at 00.00))))

Oh, Stranger already found a divergence on the daily, great.

I think in pon it will go down and then it will correct, it is not the bottom yet, judging by flowers from ratings it is an abyss for Europe and we really feel sorry when in developed countries crisis in developing countries -- hunger riots, I really am only for Merkel and Sarkozy to find a way out, walkers from Germany say that there now the real danger. The exchange rate doesn't matter, as long as the economy doesn't collapse like the reactor at Chernobyl. My imho: eurozone will fall apart EU will stay, dollar will be replaced with amero. The dollar will drop against the amero, the euro against the sovereign currencies and the empty euro and dollar papers will be used to pay debts denominated in these currencies, in this scenario, I think the capitalist citizens want to get the most juice out of China and other co-deceived countries.

If a person "goes around in libraries, studying scores, staying up nights, bleeding fingers on strings since childhood" in order to get the title of composer, then he is either not talented or the problem is in his head.

PS Yuri has pointed out the move in another thread.

PS2 I agree with Margaret, culture is not only education.

it's not a title, it's a diploma.

for those who don't get it: "playing the amati" is a certain level, for me personally - zero

and let's drop it.


Oh, Stranger already found a divergence on the daily, great.

I think in Pon it will go down and then it will correct, it is not the bottom yet, judging by the flowers from the ratings it is an abyss for Europe and we really feel sorry when there is a crisis in developed countries in developing countries, hunger riots, I am really only for Merkel and Sarkozy to find a way out, walkers from Germany say that it is a real disaster there now. The exchange rate doesn't matter, as long as the economy doesn't collapse like the reactor at Chernobyl. My imho: eurozone will fall apart EU will stay, dollar will be replaced with amero. The dollar will drop against the amero, the euro against the sovereign currencies and the empty euro and dollar papers will be used to pay debts denominated in these currencies, in this scenario, I think the capitalist citizens want to get the most juice out of China and other co-deceived countries.

It's just games, last year it was at 1.18 and nothing.

It's just a gamble, last year it was at 1.18 and nothing.

The only thing is the exchange rate is not the purpose, I think the Eurozone is divided into "weak countries" and "strong countries", the strong ones are trying to get more from the weak ones and "privatize" them, I find it funny hearing "hungry developed countries", and the strong ones are trying to buy more from the weak ones.Hungry" developed countries - they were overproducing in 2008, they were paying subsidies not to produce, so it`s reasonable to think that the aim is to scrap all the old factories.

And the fact that German bonds didn't go at all is clear - everybody is waiting for Eurobonds, saving money for the "new game". This sell-off is a "washout" for the German people, as if they tried it and it didn't work.


The only problem is the exchange rate and not the goal itself, I think the Eurozone is divided into "weak countries" and "strong countries", the goal of strong countries is to get more from weak countries and "privatize" them, and I think the second one is funny to hear "hungry developed countries".Hungry" developed countries - they were overproducing in 2008, they were paying subsidies not to produce, so it`s reasonable to think that the aim is to scrap all the old factories.

And the fact that German bonds didn't go at all is clear - everybody is waiting for Eurobonds, saving money for the "new game". This sell-off is a "washout" for the German people, as if they tried it and it didn't work.

Why is it that only the Germans are so hot on the issue of Eurobonds? They do not want to. And that's it, the media blew up a hysteria - Germany is against it. And then they were looking at the Eurozone countries, who is for it and who is against it. Finland, for example is against buying eurobonds and being answerable to creditors for the countries that do not live within their means. I read an interview with the Finnish minister on the subject. How do you take responsibility for the things you have not done? The Eurobonds are out of the question without a legal right for the Eurozone to intervene in the financial affairs of the troubled country. And then there is no guarantee that with the change of power the troubled countries will not replay the game. So Eurobonds are not a matter of today or tomorrow in my view. The Germans, and indeed the French, will be pushing for a change in the European treaties in the near future. The first public presentation of these changes will be on the 8th or 9th of December. And at the beginning of next year they are planning to change them.