What is the Smart Bridge Technology thing - hedging currency risks?

Found one of these things on the net. Can anyone explain what the point is?
I can't say anything specifically about Smart Bridge Technology, but I use risk hedging in trading all the time.
I can't say anything specifically about Smart Bridge Technology, but I use risk hedging in trading all the time.
No. There's still something he's not telling us.
No. There's still something he's not telling me.
Who's not telling you something?
who's not telling the truth?
Mosquitoes, who else? :)) In the simple way you described, a stable strategy did not work out for me, nor for anyone I know of.
Komarov, who else? :)) In the simple way you described, a stable strategy did not work out for me, nor for anyone I know of.

and it won't... so are we talking about a stably profitable strategy or a multi-currency hedge of risk?
Komarov, who else? :)) In the simple way you described, a stable strategy did not work out for me, nor for anyone I know of.

and it won't work... So are we talking about a consistently profitable strategy or a multi-currency risk hedge?

I am talking about a strategy. Preferably a consistently profitable one :))


I'm talking about a strategy. Preferably a consistently profitable one :))

Ah, well, then you go to Paukas.
Ah, well, then you'll have to go to Paukas.
Nah. I'm not going to him. He'll take the last one away.)