[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 7: September 2011) - page 116


The forecast has changed again...(:-(((... Not good, not good...

Very Good!!!

That's what I wrote: "possible". Yes and this probability will be cancelled if the bar closes below the last min. (see fig.)


In any case, there is no need to hurry.

Who told you it is "possible" - the eur has not given anything to anyone... - The main thing is that the yen is in a downward trend, the main thing is franc pressure, people are looking for a shelter, but there is no shelter even temporarily - so it will fluctuate from one currency to another, commodities are also unstable - stocks are under pressure - so I have to invest in quid - they have higher yield... and the bottom break-down figure - so there is a clear pattern of downside failure because the body of previous candle is covered, and waiting for growth is senseless...


Risks remain directed towards $1.3362 (76.4% retracement of the move from the January low of $1.2874 to the May high of $1.4940). The daily stochastic has confirmed the formation of a bearish crossover, while the daily Bollinger Band continues to widen (now estimated at $1.3247).

(Akmos Trade).


B20: "smiling and waving"

The outcome of the B20 finance ministers summit was similar to the IMF meeting - i.e. zero.
The finance ministers did not propose any decisive measures aimed at solving the Greek debt crisis, adding to their worries about the state of the global economy.
In a joint statement the ministers and central bank governors said they were "committed to resolute and coordinated international action in response to the new challenges facing the global economy" but essentially only called on Europe to deal with the spillover effects of the debt crisis.

Keyword: ECONOMY



Talk of an imminent default by Greece continues to hang over the euro. Lately we have seen countless talks on how to avoid Greece going bankrupt. And the more the European authorities talk, the more they realise that a default might not be averted and it is time to start preparing for that moment.

Now everything depends on the ECB: if additional support will be given, EUR/USD might move above 1.36 again. However, the longer the wait, the more pressure on the Euro. Of the week's economic reports, of interest will be the IFO business confidence, German labour market and retail sales, as well as the eurozone's economic confidence, in general.



It was an eventful week that left a lasting impression in the hearts of the markets (mainly due to the FOMC meeting). Players rushed out of risky assets again as soon as Fed officials indicated they are not ready to take drastic action to bailout the US economy. With talk of imminent default by Greece, slowing Chinese growth and IMF global GDP revisions, it is understandable why investors rushed to buy "safe" (if there are any left) assets. The dollar is likely to continue strengthening in this regard this week....

(There will be quite a few interesting events this week that will help us determine how soon the Fed moves forward with new measures. Look out for primary home sales, consumer confidence, durable goods orders, final Q2 GDP release, consumer income and spending, and Chicago PMI).


Who told you that it is "possible" - the eu has not given anything to anyone... - The first is the pressure of gold - which is in a downtrend, the second is the pressure of the franc, people are looking for shelter, but it is nowhere, not even temporary - so it will fluctuate from one currency to another, commodities are also unstable - stocks are under pressure - so they have to invest in quid - even their returns are higher than the euro... And the bottom breakdown - so there is a clear pattern of falling down because the body of the previous candle is blocked, and waiting for growth is pointless...

"Possible" - does not mean that it will, but only can be. At least the TC so says. About the receipts - this is a nonsense. I see very well that everything is going down, that's why I said "correction". And in the future, please read carefully. I did not say anything for 100%.

P.S. If you do not agree with my opinion, it is OK.

The forecast has changed again...(:-(((... Not good, dear, not good...).
I'm just an automat by the market ))), I just try to guess pending sell and buy points (to improve my robot, so to speak))) and I don't pretend to do anything.
* The euro rebounded

Exceeding expectations the Ifo sentiment survey results triggered a rebound in the euro, pushing it from $1.3422 to a high of $1.3443 before the pair rolled back to the $1.3435 area. In order for the euro to gain upside momentum, it needs to break the $1.3450 level.

Keyword: FOREX
I just have an automaton following the market )))), I just try to literally guess the sell and buy pending points (improving the robot, so to speak))) and I don't pretend to do anything.
now i completely agree with this point of your robot...
Now I agree with this point of your machine completely...

And Baba Yaga is against it :)