[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 6: August 2011) - page 97

I don't see comrade stranger. Will the ricochet from 1.4040 really kick in?

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Crazy how many speakers there are today:

2011.08.08 20:17:12 ECB president Trichet: According to our observations, our decisions have not reached the markets
2011.08.08 20:14:14 *French Finance Minister: Eurozone is not currently functioning as an optimal currency area
2011.08.08 20:14:27 *French Finance Minister: We have full faith in the US economy
2011.08.08 20:24:20 *Trichet: The idea that the ECB has become a "bad bank" is absurd
2011.08.08 20:24:24 *Trische: Bond purchases were "certainly" a significant development
2011.08.08 20:34:47 *Trische: Euro as a currency has no risk
2011.08.08 20:35:12 *Trische: Europe's problems are "very acute", worldwide
2011.08.08 20:36:47 *Trische: Germany has good fiscal policy, competitiveness

2011.08.08 20:18:40 *DJIA -502 points; S&P 500 -67 points
2011.08.08 20:39:10 *US stock indices regained some of their lost ground; DJIA -495 points

FRANKFURT, August 8. /Dow Jones/. The European Central Bank ECB/ believes its decisions have not reached the markets and this is forcing it to "deviate" from its rules. ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet said so in a brief interview with German broadcaster ZDF on Monday.

>Trichet was clearly referring to the ECB's decision to buy bonds on the secondary market.

>The ECB and the eurozone central bank system bought €10bn worth of peripheral eurozone bonds on the secondary market on Monday.

>The ECB will "actively implement" its bond-buying programme to help "restore a better transmission" of its monetary policy decisions, it said in a statement late on Sunday.

The ECB's decision to buy European bonds is triggering the risk of inflation, a spokesman for Germany's Free Democratic Party said today.

"The ECB has now become the world's biggest 'bad bank', coming close to the US Federal Reserve," Frank Scheffler told German weekly Handelsblatt.

These "inflationary policies", according to the politician, put citizens' savings at real risk and if this continues, "soon the ECB will announce the start of buying old bikes in exchange for freshly printed money".
2011.08.08 20:30:30 *oil futures on NYMEX fell below $82 a barrel
2011.08.08 20:36:00 *oil futures on NYMEX closed down $5.57 at $81.31 a barrel

NEW YORK, Aug 8 (ANI). /Dow Jones/. The slowdown in the economy and falls in markets caused by a downgrade in the U.S. credit rating will be the backdrop against which the Federal Reserve /Federal Reserve/ will have to make a decision on the interest rate. The Fed will meet on Tuesday.

>All of this will be the backdrop for the US Federal Open Market Committee's decision, which is due to make an interest rate decision this week. Analysts do not expect the rate to rise from the current extremely low level. But moderate US GDP growth has analysts watching the decision closely to see if a third round of quantitative easing is expected.

NEW YORK, Aug 8 (ANI). /Dow Jones/. The slowdown in the economy and falls in markets caused by a downgrade in the U.S. credit rating will be the backdrop against which the Federal Reserve /Federal Reserve/ will have to make a decision on the interest rate. The Fed meeting will be held on Tuesday.

>All of this will be the backdrop for the US Federal Open Market Committee's decision, which is due to make an interest rate decision this week. Analysts do not expect the rate to rise from the current extremely low level. But moderate US GDP growth has analysts watching the decision closely to see if a third round of quantitative easing is expected.
Interest rates are unlikely to change, unless they can threaten to do so. They can switch on the printing press without any problem.
Interest rates are unlikely to be changed, unless they can threaten to change them. They can switch on the printing press without any problem.
Of course no one will change it, but we need to talk to "excite the market".
talk to "excite the market"

verbal interventions will no longer affect the market. the market is sliding cleaner than in 2008, at least there was a clearly visible specific reason, but now the reason is general, blurred - contamination, structural flaws and the U.S. and global economy, to overcome this with words alone is very difficult, you need specific surgical programs, coordinated actions, including monetary.

But concerted action is not necessary for Europe: it would strengthen the euro, and why would Europe need a strong euro against the dollar? They have been fighting it off for so many years, and quite successfully, why would they change course now and risk not just individual eurozone countries, but the entire euro economy? So the ECB will continue to talk so vaguely so that "decisions do not reach the markets".

the only hope is for the Americans... and I don't even know what that could be.