[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 6: August 2011) - page 100

Eh, I wake up and there ... Gold 8-) overnight by 50 bucks up, did not expect, doubly pleased ))))
I wonder what the Germans will say when they wake up one fine day and the once-full supermarket shelves are empty and there is a queue for meat ))))
Euro wolf is asking for...
I wonder what the Germans will say when they wake up one fine day and the once-full supermarket shelves are empty and there is a queue for meat ))))
They've done it before and more than once. They have taken up arms and rustled up their neighbours' coffers :-)
it looks like the euras are off to a flying start...
it looks like the euras are off to a flying start...
Yeah, we could go as high as 1.4360 today, if no force majeure.
I read in the terminal that they are trying to tear the bears' stops off at 4270
We hit a stop ...but we'll go in again...
And I'm once again short )))))
And why shouldn't the pair grow if things are bad in america?